
She has a lawyer thats doing the talking I think. I think the footage should be released too and I even am pretty sure that law preventing it does not go into effect for a few weeks, I would need to double check that though.
The police said the FBI is stepping in and once they get involved all bets are off on the video.
The police said the FBI is stepping in and once they get involved all bets are off on the video.

Ya that sucks. I watch a lot of copblock and I think its safe to say everyone needs more video around police at all times, especially civilians. You doing your job, no worries then welcome to the 21st century po porazzi. Sure would have helped here a lot everyone would know by now for sure.
apparently, keith lamont scott's wife took video of the police murdering but did not share it with them because she does not trust them. but she did just share it with the media.

no gun there.

The seperate entity entrusted to examine this says the have the authority to release the and negotiations are underway.

They literally must negotiate this?

The part where she is saying "dont do it Keith". I can't figure out if she means don't get out with your gun, or she was referencing don't let them break the windows on the truck, hard to tell imo.

She's her husband: Keith! To the cops..Don't do it!..husband:Keith! Get out of the truck! cops: don't do it! Don't you do it!

It's just run all together because of the situation..immediate after..he better not be dead..he better not be dead.

She's calling for her husband with a brain injury who just took his meds waiting for his kid at the bus stop while reading a book. Her concern was to not break the windows of the truck. Exactly the kind of things you'd expect a thugs wife to have said.

But he wasn't a thug was he? He wasn't even the right person. So a gun needed to appear..but instead the wife's video gun, no big red circle.

Nice FAIL Charlotte..release a pic from the vid..say it's a gun, when in reality it's a glove from the black officer that shot him and threw those glove down..and WTF does anyone need rubber gloves to shoot? And what the fuck were you looking at while you were throwing those glove on the ground? The kill..such a PRO!:finger:
So when the cops fuck them over and disobey the law, they decide to fuck over their community and disobey the law in retaliation? How in the actual fuck does this have any negative effect on police? It directly screws their neighbors, and then the cops get paid to clean up the mess. Infact, I bet those cops are making MORE money during times like this, big overtime opportunity. Yeah, that'll teach them, lol.

I dont condone this, but wouldn't terrorizing the police be much more effective? Oh fuck yes it would be, but I dont see new shoe stores or electronics being sold next to the police stations so it lacks incentive for the looters. Burn it down, fuck them, I already popped my corn for tonight's good times.

It's about the disrupt and the message. No one ever said it was well thought out.
So did we all get a chance to see that bad dude get shot? If you don't know it, they released the tapes tonight. The guy had something in his left hand (he was right-handed) and was backing away from the police with his hands at his sides. But he looked so dangerous doing it. Maybe he was a muslim. They want to destroy Christianity. Pie said so.

Thank goodness TRUMP! will make these people stop it.
So did we all get a chance to see that bad dude get shot? If you don't know it, they released the tapes tonight. The guy had something in his left hand (he was right-handed) and was backing away from the police with his hands at his sides. But he looked so dangerous doing it. Maybe he was a muslim. They want to destroy Christianity. Pie said so.

Thank goodness TRUMP! will make these people stop it.
Cops seem to have pretty much categorically declared he had a handgun, I assume they finally found something in the body cam footage.

Don't know what to believe anymore to be honest.

BUT even if he had a gun, in a country where we take responsible gun rights so seriously, is that an excuse to execute him?

I think not.
Well, weed is also in the story now.

Marijuana keyed action
On Saturday, Putney said that Scott drew the attention of officers who were trying to serve an arrest warrant on an unrelated suspect at the Village at College Downs apartment complex in University City because they saw him rolling marijuana in his vehicle.

Police were going to let it go and continue on their original mission until an officer spotted a weapon in the vehicle, Putney said.

“It was not lawful for him to possess a firearm,” Putney said. “There was a crime he committed and the gun exacerbated the situation.”

Officer Brentley Vinson, who Putney said fired four shots at Scott, was not wearing a body cam, so his visual perspective was not part of the footage. Putney said that body cameras are being rolled out across the department and not all tactical officers have them yet.

Putney said the footage supports the larger weight of evidence in the case, which includes accounts from officers at the scene, forensics and interviews with witnesses.

He said he has found nothing to indicate that Vinson acted inappropriately, given the totality of the circumstances, and he does not think his officers broke the law that day.

They were, he said, reacting to what appeared to be an imminent threat.

“At every encounter, people can make a decision to follow lawful, loud verbal commands and avert some things like this,” he said.
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Well, weed is also in the story now.

Marijuana keyed action
On Saturday, Putney said that Scott drew the attention of officers who were trying to serve an arrest warrant on an unrelated suspect at the Village at College Downs apartment complex in University City because they saw him rolling marijuana in his vehicle.

Police were going to let it go and continue on their original mission until an officer spotted a weapon in the vehicle, Putney said.

“It was not lawful for him to possess a firearm,” Putney said. “There was a crime he committed and the gun exacerbated the situation.”

Officer Brentley Vinson, who Putney said fired four shots at Scott, was not wearing a body cam, so his visual perspective was not part of the footage. Putney said that body cameras are being rolled out across the department and not all tactical officers have them yet.

Putney said the footage supports the larger weight of evidence in the case, which includes accounts from officers at the scene, forensics and interviews with witnesses.

He said he has found nothing to indicate that Vinson acted inappropriately, given the totality of the circumstances, and he does not think his officers broke the law that day.

They were, he said, reacting to what appeared to be an imminent threat.

“At every encounter, people can make a decision to follow lawful, loud verbal commands and avert some things like this,” he said.


Read more here:
Killed for rolling a spliff...


The guy who killed him didn't have a body cam?

Wow, that's convenient...

So the Tactical Officers with the real firepower don't have body cams but traffic dicks do?
Well, weed is also in the story now.

Marijuana keyed action
On Saturday, Putney said that Scott drew the attention of officers who were trying to serve an arrest warrant on an unrelated suspect at the Village at College Downs apartment complex in University City because they saw him rolling marijuana in his vehicle.

Police were going to let it go and continue on their original mission until an officer spotted a weapon in the vehicle, Putney said.

“It was not lawful for him to possess a firearm,” Putney said. “There was a crime he committed and the gun exacerbated the situation.”

Officer Brentley Vinson, who Putney said fired four shots at Scott, was not wearing a body cam, so his visual perspective was not part of the footage. Putney said that body cameras are being rolled out across the department and not all tactical officers have them yet.

Putney said the footage supports the larger weight of evidence in the case, which includes accounts from officers at the scene, forensics and interviews with witnesses.

He said he has found nothing to indicate that Vinson acted inappropriately, given the totality of the circumstances, and he does not think his officers broke the law that day.

They were, he said, reacting to what appeared to be an imminent threat.

“At every encounter, people can make a decision to follow lawful, loud verbal commands and avert some things like this,” he said.


Read more here:

Good thing the real story came out; I can rest easy now.
Charlotte Police Release PORTIONS of Body/Dash Cams:

Neither video shows whether or not Scott had a firearm in his hand during the incident, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Chief Kerr Putney said before the videos were released. He said other evidence concluded that Scott was in possession of a gun.

They said he was wearing this..does anyone see this strapped to Scott's ankle as he laid on the ground dead while they were cuffing him?..didn't even check his vitals..yeah cuff 'em..that looks good:


They said fingerprints and DNA is all over the gun. Really, DNA that fast? Toxicology takes WEEKS to get back..this just happened this past week..there is no DNA profile that comes back in a day or two that I'm aware of.

Another FAIL Charlotte police:finger:
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Or yall could try reading the whole article I linked you. Plain clothes cops unmarked car to serve warrant is pretty common actually. They turned the other cheek when they saw him rolling the blunt and went back to looking for their suspect.

Jumping to conclusions like "killed for smoking weed" is the kinda thing that led to riots and another man dead during.
After seeing her video, dash cam and body cam, it's clear to me. They murdered him. Doesn't matter if he had a gun or not.
Chalk up another for blue power........
And after the shooting...........calmly "get my bag". Not at all aiding a CLEARLY DYING man. That's JUDGE,JURY,PUNISHMENT.
Are we really ceding that much power to police now? Is that what "make America great again" means?
If you can defend this than we want totally different things in a country.
Charlotte Police Release PORTIONS of Body/Dash Cams:

Neither video shows whether or not Scott had a firearm in his hand during the incident, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Chief Kerr Putney said before the videos were released. He said other evidence concluded that Scott was in possession of a gun.

They said he was wearing this..does anyone see this strapped to Scott's ankle as he laid on the ground dead while they were cuffing him?..didn't even check his vitals..yeah cuff 'em..that looks good:

View attachment 3789334

They said fingerprints and DNA is all over the gun. Really, DNA that fast? Toxicology takes WEEKS to get back..this just happened this past week..there is no DNA profile that comes back in a day or two that I'm aware of.

Another FAIL Charlotte police:finger:
Body cams must make using a drop gun really risky. I will bet a lot more of these guns are found in the car rather than in the "bad dude's" hand these days. Love to see somebody crunch the numbers.

I will bet there is an art to using a body cam too. I wonder if they changed their tactical training to include blocking it.
After seeing her video, dash cam and body cam, it's clear to me. They murdered him. Doesn't matter if he had a gun or not.
Chalk up another for blue power........
And after the shooting...........calmly "get my bag". Not at all aiding a CLEARLY DYING man. That's JUDGE,JURY,PUNISHMENT.
Are we really ceding that much power to police now? Is that what "make America great again" means?
If you can defend this than we want totally different things in a country.
I also found this disturbing. The only concern was their own safety. Yes, they rendered assistance, but it was the last thing on their minds. These cops are pussies. Talk to a retired cop. Ask them how many times they actually took a punch in the line of duty - it was plenty. These poor fuckers never had a chance - they get gunned down from 20 feet.

These people never should have been police.

Hey, maybe it is just me, there are so many shootings it is hard to keep track - but wasn't one of this week's cop murders supposed to be by a black cop?

These folks are being murdered for lack of respect to the po-po. Fuck the po-po.
Charlotte Police Release PORTIONS of Body/Dash Cams:

Neither video shows whether or not Scott had a firearm in his hand during the incident, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Chief Kerr Putney said before the videos were released. He said other evidence concluded that Scott was in possession of a gun.

They said he was wearing this..does anyone see this strapped to Scott's ankle as he laid on the ground dead while they were cuffing him?..didn't even check his vitals..yeah cuff 'em..that looks good:

View attachment 3789334

They said fingerprints and DNA is all over the gun. Really, DNA that fast? Toxicology takes WEEKS to get back..this just happened this past week..there is no DNA profile that comes back in a day or two that I'm aware of.

Another FAIL Charlotte police:finger:
Looks like they are trying to put this to rest quickly
wow. When you lose me, a white boy raised in a John Hughes movie... well, you are really out of line.

But I am still a teenage Asian bi-sexual at heart.
Body cams must make using a drop gun really risky. I will bet a lot more of these guns are found in the car rather than in the "bad dude's" hand these days. Love to see somebody crunch the numbers.

I will bet there is an art to using a body cam too. I wonder if they changed their tactical training to include blocking it.
I was thinking the exact same thing. The body cam guy puts his camera behind the truck just as the shots are fired. I would be curious what department policy is on body cams. And if they are used as "training tools". Who wears them, who doesn't.
Not really surprising I guess. They now seem to have a policy that we are all guilty if they accuse us and they will punish us if we try to stand up for our rights.
If they really thought he had a gun, why the fuck were they feet away? Why wouldn't you pull back and deescalate?
Because that's not seen as powerful, and these fucks have to believe they are powerful.
Any one of us could have been that guy.
Reminds me of watching more than one guy get pummeled by the cops in days past. Back then they shouted "stop resisting" as they were beating you.
Not they shout "drop the gun" before they shoot you.
Glad I don't deal with cops anymore.