chasing a ghost cant figure out my problem


Active Member
im using 6 by 6 rockwool blocks set on rockwool slabs, my babies are almost a month old and at the end of the 3rd week i overwated my pllants or so i thought because my plants drooped towards the end of the 18 hour light cycle and so i stoped feeding for 2 days rockwool is still moist but my plants keep drooping at the end of the day. should i refrain fom watering still or should i try watering, im not sure if its lack of water or too much my moisture meter says the rockwool is in safe moisture range now?


Well-Known Member
Is it severe drooping? If its just mild drooping of the leaves... then it could simply be because the plant knows its almost sleep time. Pics would help.


Active Member
mild drooping they spring right back up inthe morning so this might be the case i just wsnt aware that plants did that but ya the droo slightly then spring up


Well-Known Member
mild drooping they spring right back up inthe morning so this might be the case i just wsnt aware that plants did that but ya the droo slightly then spring up
Well there you have it then. The plant is just dropping a little bit at the end of the light cycle because it knows its night night time.