Chauvin Trial

My prediction, mostly peaceful looting and riots... the Marxist trash will again get the spot light creating a wave of donations which will never to be seen again. Regardless of the outcome, Americans who own businesses in the area are fucked.

heyyyyyyyyyyy wait a minute! i'm Marxist trash!
there should be a Name that Sock thread in politics
Chauvin enjoyed what he was doing,it's plain as day,I went off on a long rant somewhere on this forum but can't find it. So I'll say that there is a % of police who do steroids and train and can't wait for even the slightest provocation to PLANT's absolutely VILE and they have no bus. wearing the uniform.With that said IT destroys public trust and makes the police who are decent servants to the public's job that much harder.The lack of common sense in dealing w/police is unfathomable to me.I'm a semi-scary caucasion male 6'0 190lbs.who's been yanked over by police at least 25 times in my lifetime,I've been held until backup arrives,all I do is have Lic+reg right near st.wheel so no reaching is needed,when they approach my hands are visable on the steering wheel.Yes sir no sir,warrant check negative, have a good day,BYE. It's that FN simple. I put myself in their shoes,Don''t know where they just came from what they have just seen, what kind of day their having etc. just know they have a gun and don't want them getting rushed out and drawing down on me.I've seen to many traffic stops go bad when people rushed the police out w/erratic behavior,reaching suddenly,doing quick movements etc.Thats why I don't reach for glove box for paperwork.It's right near st. wheel in plain sight.easy game to play,walk away they're good,I'm good ccguns
Welcome back El Socko
SURE HOPE NOT, we just have too much going on in the US for Minneapolis to be on fire, Chauvin is a sadistic,sick,MFN animal who clearly got off on his knee on the neck technique. How such poorly adjusted human beings like him pass the requirements to wear a police uniform is FN astounding.How can you actually think kneeling on a man's neck for more than 9 minutes when he is already restrained and you have 3 backups on scene boggles the mind. Just hope jury renders a satisfying verdict, really don't want to see massive upheaval with the challenges already on the plate in the US. Any verdict where this sick FK walks will be a FN CATASTROPHE.ccguns
Chauvin enjoyed what he was doing,it's plain as day,I went off on a long rant somewhere on this forum but can't find it. So I'll say that there is a % of police who do steroids and train and can't wait for even the slightest provocation to PLANT's absolutely VILE and they have no bus. wearing the uniform.With that said IT destroys public trust and makes the police who are decent servants to the public's job that much harder.The lack of common sense in dealing w/police is unfathomable to me.I'm a semi-scary caucasion male 6'0 190lbs.who's been yanked over by police at least 25 times in my lifetime,I've been held until backup arrives,all I do is have Lic+reg right near st.wheel so no reaching is needed,when they approach my hands are visable on the steering wheel.Yes sir no sir,warrant check negative, have a good day,BYE. It's that FN simple. I put myself in their shoes,Don''t know where they just came from what they have just seen, what kind of day their having etc. just know they have a gun and don't want them getting rushed out and drawing down on me.I've seen to many traffic stops go bad when people rushed the police out w/erratic behavior,reaching suddenly,doing quick movements etc.Thats why I don't reach for glove box for paperwork.It's right near st. wheel in plain sight.easy game to play,walk away they're good,I'm good ccguns

his badge was pinned on crooked- such a pro.
Chauvin enjoyed what he was doing,it's plain as day,I went off on a long rant somewhere on this forum but can't find it. So I'll say that there is a % of police who do steroids and train and can't wait for even the slightest provocation to PLANT's absolutely VILE and they have no bus. wearing the uniform.With that said IT destroys public trust and makes the police who are decent servants to the public's job that much harder.The lack of common sense in dealing w/police is unfathomable to me.I'm a semi-scary caucasion male 6'0 190lbs.who's been yanked over by police at least 25 times in my lifetime,I've been held until backup arrives,all I do is have Lic+reg right near st.wheel so no reaching is needed,when they approach my hands are visable on the steering wheel.Yes sir no sir,warrant check negative, have a good day,BYE. It's that FN simple. I put myself in their shoes,Don''t know where they just came from what they have just seen, what kind of day their having etc. just know they have a gun and don't want them getting rushed out and drawing down on me.I've seen to many traffic stops go bad when people rushed the police out w/erratic behavior,reaching suddenly,doing quick movements etc.Thats why I don't reach for glove box for paperwork.It's right near st. wheel in plain sight.easy game to play,walk away they're good,I'm good ccguns

Yep. Exactly this. Your rights don't matter, and who is right or wrong, once a cop shoots you. I don't interact with cops, if forced it is extremely professional and curt.
Yep. Exactly this. Your rights don't matter, and who is right or wrong, once a cop shoots you. I don't interact with cops, if forced it is extremely professional and curt.
I've seen so many stops end w/tragic results,you've got to act in a way that doesn't raise their blood pressure,like I said you don't know what theyhave encountered before their in your face,that's a nasty job full of stomach churning,heart racing episodes,burn out is right on the edge.Just have your shit in a place where it doesnT make them reach for their gun.Watch when they approach a vehicle,right hand is on hip ready to draw down immediately,I look at it like I'm responsible for my safety not putting my faith in them being resp. for my safety.So many people have been shot over sheer stupidity on both sides of the coin.ccguns
Yep. Exactly this. Your rights don't matter, and who is right or wrong, once a cop shoots you. I don't interact with cops, if forced it is extremely professional and curt.
Same thing w/being a pedestrian Yeah it's the motorist's fault for this accident,But who's in the FKN wheelchair?ccguns
“Drugz r bad
He was gonna die anyway
He’s no angel
Cops just doing their job”

EXACTLY, POOR TRAINING,POOR CHARACTER,POOR TECHNIQUE,but it's ok cause he's got a record and he's a little high.REALLY.ccguns
“Drugz r bad
He was gonna die anyway
He’s no angel
Cops just doing their job”


it doesn't matter and the jury knows this.

the question is; was Chauvin in any way responsible for Floyds death while in custody?..doesn't matter if the guy ODs later that night. once you have someone in custody YOU are responsible.

why do you think cops have unions? to have an auto-attorney.

this was over a $20 counterfeit for smokes.
“Drugz r bad
He was gonna die anyway
He’s no angel
Cops just doing their job”


I'd like to think that Jan. 6th shows us just how much we need law enforcement. It should have been a real eye opener. Obviously we should be coming down hard on Chauvin and systemic issues that try to defend/support his actions, but we gotta walk back the universal hate a bit, imo. A significant portion of the right is turning on the police and it presents the left a unique opportunity that should not be squandered.
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I'd like to think that Jan. 6th shows us just how much we need law enforcement. It should have been a real eye opener. Obviously we should be coming down hard on Chauvin and systemic issues that try to defend/support his actions, but we gotta walk back the universal hate a bit, imo. A significant portion of the right is turning on the police and it presents the left a unique opportunity that should not be squandered.
Agreed, I empathize here ,that job is seeing human nature in the worst light every day,unbelievable stress load, could be fighting for your life in a instant etc. It's the certain% of F up cops who scar the decent ones and make their job damn near impossible, I don't generalize and say all police suck it's not true one bad rotted apple can taint the whole bushel. Where in a situation where a certain% of police who get off brutalizing and excessively beating people down paired w/a civilian pop lacking common sense is merging to create a perfect storm. Blame can be put on both sides here and i've previously stated my procedure for walking away from over 25 police stops in my lifetime w/out a scratch COMMON SENSE and putting myself in their shoes.ccguns