Chauvin Trial

Sure, fully agree man, that's one of the reasons I don't view the police in a positive way and also view it as a corrupt organization where the good are complacent with the bad. I didn't really go into why that happens, but yeah, fully agree that is a primary reason. There are absolutely good cops in it for the right reasons, but they do end up having to go along with the bad elements and that taints the whole pool.

Big into trying to use examples, so...let's say you are a great dude of excellent moral character but happen to grow up in the hood with gangs stretching as far as the eye can see. You kinda got to join or get the crap kicked out of you (kind of a bad fit here since you don't have to be a cop), that gang has separated itself from the community at that point. You can't go against the gang, they will fuck you up, but you're still a good upstanding person other than sitting silent or kinda passively standing around while the group does terrible stuff. I guess what I am trying to illustrate is that a group can be viewed as bad while containing good individuals, but I am still going to view that group and the good ones in a negative light. From my end, not being part of the gang, doesn't matter one bit if there are good individuals if they follow the bad acts of the group, their reason for joining doesn't matter in terms of me getting jumped, I would lump all of them in the same boat.

It definitely is a tricky moral situation and line.
A “good person” (P.O.) does not sit silent or kinda stand around passively. If you’re worried about your coworkers who are armed, you are in the wrong line of work. jmho
It should just parallel driving. Pass a written/field test, get a license, buy the gun, and if you intend to use on public land, get insurance and pay registration.
Moral choices should be easy but it seems throughout history immoral ones have been, in most instances, the goto choice.

easy for you and me, but they are not for some (many)..enter Bible and higher being with reward at the end if you are good.

you're Canadian..what happens when you fall out of a tree? you know what to do; would you believe some wouldn't?
Any human entrusted with a weapon that can seriously injure or destroy said human or others should be first in line holding piss bottles and being CAREFULLY watched while filling bottle.
HEAR YA, One of the most insane facts of drug testing in the workplace, don't even think that many are really aware that this is the status quo,concerning d.testing of officers.I think many people assume considering the nature of that job, I think alot of jaws would be dropping if they really knew the situation ccguns
As a gun owner myself you feel I should take a drug test? Just clarifying your stance.
If stored at home no, if wanting a permit to carry then either that or safety workshops that check out your mental disposition and go over rudimentary gun safety. I mean I'd like to make assumption that people are responsible but I not so sure we can have people randomly carrying concealed firearms on a the basis of their word either.ccguns
If stored at home no, if wanting a permit to carry then either that or safety workshops that check out your mental disposition and go over rudimentary gun safety. I mean I'd like to make assumption that people are responsible but I not so sure we can have people randomly carrying concealed firearms on a the basis of their word either.ccguns
In the State I live in a concealed carry permit is NOT required to carry concealed. The Governor just signed the bill making it law!! I carry a Glock 17 under my shirt. I have been shooting since I was a child. I used to have a ccw but don’t need it now. The only caveat is that your weapon must be in the open carry loaded status, meaning it will take 2 mechanical actions before it will fire. i.e. on a semi auto your magazine can be loaded but you can’t have a bullet in the chamber. On a wheel gun you must leave the next cylinder empty, therefore 2 mechanical actions required to fire your revolver.
I should clarify that where I am handguns are restricted so not allowed to be carried (must be in a locked box) out of reach, so trunk. And only to a registered range. Hopefully soon an all out ban (handguns) here would be nice. Shouldn’t be hard to give up a hobby IMO.
In the State I live in a concealed carry permit is NOT required to carry concealed. The Governor just signed the bill making it law!! I carry a Glock 17 under my shirt. I have been shooting since I was a child. I used to have a ccw but don’t need it now. The only caveat is that your weapon must be in the open carry loaded status, meaning it will take 2 mechanical actions before it will fire. i.e. on a semi auto your magazine can be loaded but you can’t have a bullet in the chamber. On a wheel gun you must leave the next cylinder empty, therefore 2 mechanical actions required to fire your revolver.
The “time to reconsider killing someone” law?
I should clarify that where I am handguns are restricted so not allowed to be carried (must be in a locked box) out of reach, so trunk. And only to a registered range. Hopefully soon an all out ban (handguns) here would be nice. Shouldn’t be hard to give up a hobby IMO.
I have Canuck friends from AB and ONT. The rules for guns are strict. I don’t understand why you support no handguns, especially when they are so well regulated in Canada. What about long guns? Muzzle loaded weapons? Using a tool which a firearm is, is not a hobby. If someone wants to hurt me again I would hate to shoot a person but I would kill and spend my life in prison rather than be paralyzed by another drunk asshole in a car. imho
So, the laws to slow you down represent the 2a? Wouldn't those be anti-2a laws? And....god bless those anti-2a laws?
I have Canuck friends from AB and ONT. The rules for guns are strict. I don’t understand why you support no handguns, especially when they are so well regulated in Canada. What about long guns? Muzzle loaded weapons? Using a tool which a firearm is, is not a hobby. If someone wants to hurt me again I would hate to shoot a person but I would kill and spend my life in prison rather than be paralyzed by another drunk asshole in a car. imho
I own many guns as I use to collect them but I have no need or see any reason to own handguns whose sole purpose and design is to kill people , if you say that’s not true you are lying to yourself and others. Banning them is the only smart thing to do IMO. The US will never do that so no need to worry, your handguns are safe lol.
I own many guns as I use to collect them but I have no need or see any reason to own handguns whose sole purpose and design is to kill people , if you say that’s not true you are lying to yourself and others. Banning them is the only smart thing to do IMO. The US will never do that so no need to worry, your handguns are safe lol.
I am not of the sort to worry about the government taking guns away, I collect all types of weapons. I am in favor of the most easy measures that conservative government here will hear nothing.
As far as “hand guns whose sole purpose and design is to kill people”, as a Canadian you would be a fool not to arm yourself to the teeth while strolling down Main Street in Churchill before the sea freezes.
I am not a pro gun for every one. I wish everyone with a firearm needed exactly the same or more stringent training, licensing, and registration every year for a new tax sticker for his or her weapons. Basic insurance should also be mandatory. Mmkay? Have a Happy Easter and stay stoned;)
I am not of the sort to worry about the government taking guns away, I collect all types of weapons. I am in favor of the most easy measures that conservative government here will hear nothing.
As far as “hand guns whose sole purpose and design is to kill people”, as a Canadian you would be a fool not to arm yourself to the teeth while strolling down Main Street in Churchill before the sea freezes.
I am not a pro gun for every one. I wish everyone with a firearm needed exactly the same or more stringent training, licensing, and registration every year for a new tax sticker for his or her weapons. Basic insurance should also be mandatory. Mmkay? Have a Happy Easter and stay stoned;)
Shot gun with blaster in the chamber works well and not killing a polar bear ;). I just need to look at the States to see the ramifications that, handguns mostly, have brought and it’s gone way out of control and yes more controls in place is a start.
I am not of the sort to worry about the government taking guns away, I collect all types of weapons. I am in favor of the most easy measures that conservative government here will hear nothing.
As far as “hand guns whose sole purpose and design is to kill people”, as a Canadian you would be a fool not to arm yourself to the teeth while strolling down Main Street in Churchill before the sea freezes.
I am not a pro gun for every one. I wish everyone with a firearm needed exactly the same or more stringent training, licensing, and registration every year for a new tax sticker for his or her weapons. Basic insurance should also be mandatory. Mmkay? Have a Happy Easter and stay stoned;)
What are you likely to encounter on the main in Churchill that you would need a firearm for?
Drunk hockey fans, polar bears, angry Eskimos, moose...shit gets real out here son.

My impression of Canada is based heavily on trailer park boys, and that Michael Moore film bowling for columbine.