Cheap Chinese LED companies - the Good, the Bad and the Royal Ripoffs

why would you want outdated leds?
COB's are outdated now? There are tons of people on here growing fire with them... I also have some.. I dont know enough about the QB tech (I am assuming thats what you are saying is the most up to date tech? or strips I guess?) to venture into that and I honestly dont feel like re learning all of that at this point when, from what I am seeing the difference between COB and boards seems negligible. It is not like I am a huge opp anyway.. just looking to upgrade from my shitty 600 hps. Anyway I was questioning the reliability of the company themselves rather then the tech.
COB's are outdated now? There are tons of people on here growing fire with them... I also have some.. I dont know enough about the QB tech (I am assuming thats what you are saying is the most up to date tech? or strips I guess?) to venture into that and I honestly dont feel like re learning all of that at this point when, from what I am seeing the difference between COB and boards seems negligible. It is not like I am a huge opp anyway.. just looking to upgrade from my shitty 600 hps. Anyway I was questioning the reliability of the company themselves rather then the tech.
Cree cobs do the biz, I've had great success with them but now there are better cobs that are far cheaper.
Checkout for alternative cobs to Cree.
Cree cxb3590 are $44 - ouch.

Led Strips/Stripes are also a great option.
The strip light below for example

Also do a search for led strip builds on RIU. There's plenty of examples of diy builds. is another informative site to checkout .