Cheap Flood / Drain System.....DIY


Well-Known Member
Hey Guy

How do u break down that Quote when u write.
I cant figure it out when i try to quote someone.
Just wrap seperate qoute marks around each section by highlighting it and clicking on the quote box upper just right of center.
The second pump you have to circulate the water in the res is not necessary the air pump will do a fine job of that. The flood fitting is only used for an overflow, the water drains back into the res thru the same line it got there with, it flows back thru the pump line, no big deal. VVbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Just wrap seperate qoute marks around each section by highlighting it and clicking on the quote box upper just right of center.
Like this?

The second pump you have to circulate the water in the res is not necessary the air pump will do a fine job of that.
Nice, I can use it for sumtin eles now

The flood fitting is only used for an overflow, the water drains back into the res thru the same line it got there with, it flows back thru the pump line, no big deal. VVbongsmilie
Yeah, I know a lil about water and how it moves and levels out, but thanx for the info VV. I see u allot around here and love ur work. ;-)


Well-Known Member
heres an idea. Pipe out a 3rd line from the resivior, to go to the outside like to a flower bed and pump it out of the res, then mix and refill from a bucket..
I may try this, but where i grow to be steathy, I do not have the ability to remove plants from the small space and sit them anywhere to maintain a hydro setup, however having auto drain and fill is nice. Might have to give this a go/


Well-Known Member
Great thread my friend:mrgreen:. That is a great setup that you built. I have been working on something similar and if I had seen this post first I would have used your design.



Well-Known Member
Are you not concerned about the light killing your roots in that clear box? Good concept, I would add a nute level tube to the side of the res with green tubing (green keeps algae away). I would also tape up your clear box with duct tape or paint with black primer and then a flat white latex.

Beware of what light does to roots though... bad mojo fo' sho'

Keep up the good work and keep on pluggin'.


Well-Known Member
can u list all the parts and their far as the plumbing goes?
If you are wanting to grow useing a flood/drain system theese will be the parts you will need in any kind of setup.

Rez to hold water
Flood table
Pump to flood the table
circlating pump (opitional)
Air pump with air stones
1/2" black tubing for pump
i for get the size for the Air pump , 1/8" or 1/4"

This is what u will need for a flood/drain system. There are all kinds of way to put one together, all the parts i used u can find at hom depot of lowest. The few thing u might have to get at a hydro store is the air pump and stones. Some time home depot and lowes have them and u might get lucky.

U can use big and small tuperware's ,that are at home depot or where ever, for the tank that holds the water (rez) and find sume kind of top to use as a flood table to fill with water to when ur plants are thirsty.

Do you know if they have 3x3 table like that
This is a small sale flood/drain system that is a cheap way to grow if money is an issue cause u can find every thing in one store. If u deside get to by a big table like that u are going to spend sum money.

I wood love to have a table like that, those tables will last 10X as long as mine cuz they are made for the hard use. I have already spent allot of money and have to cut corner to start my grow. One day i will get more shit but i need to get a HRVEST 1st so i can spend that profit on my supplies.

Im stiil new at this but have done allot of reserch on this site and before i came here i knew nothing about growing.

It looks likes ur new here!!!!!!!!

i wood recamind to read GET A HAVEST EVERY TO WEEKS this is a great start to start to learn about the way to grow in a SOG and to have a preptural grow. Please give it a look if u have not allready

- Styl!st


Well-Known Member
Stylist i have to ask where did you get the two middle pieces from cause have been looking everywhere for them
Im not sure what u mean by MIddle Pieces????

If u are talking about the White Tuperware and Clear Sweather boxes, I have found theese at the Container Store, they have black and white colors in the tuperwares and only clear in the sweather boxes.
Theese do not cum together they are to differant kinds of tuperwares.

If u want the same ones i have u might have do a lil searching on the net or finding a container store near u and checking there. I love theese con tainers they fit well together, the one on th top is a sweather box container, or sumthing like that, and they have a llot of differant sizes.

The white containers are found by the big tuperwares, they have 3 differant sizes, 33l-20-10gal tuperwares. I use the 10 and 20 gal ones with the CLEAR sweather boxes and they fit perfectly.

OK the top clear sweather box and the white tuperware, this is what u are talking about right?

I will going to sleep here shortly but i always check my messages in the morning so please leave me any kind of problems that u are haveing, but be peciffect in ur questions please.

The white tuperware is the rez for the water and the top is the flood table for the plants in pots, that sit on the table, that are flooded in.

- Styl!st


Well-Known Member
I am using a Hd cement mortar tray and an 18 gallon roughneck rubbermaid. Looks just like yours. Tray is about 5 dollars and sturdier than hell and rubbermaid is 10 at hd. Nice post reps to you. All fittings are cheap and nice on ebay for 10 bucks or less.


Well-Known Member
how do you know when a pump is going to Push or Pull water(dont know) i guess pull water into your rez, and when its going to bubble it, check my thread out i found some stuff around house i wanna know what else i need, help me out bro.


Well-Known Member
check my thread, im trying to make 1 i need a few more parts check it out hydro section, and grow section double posted by mistake.;)


Well-Known Member
check my thread, im trying to make 1 i need a few more parts check it out hydro section, and grow section double posted by mistake.;)
here is a pic of a hydro system and how it works, i found it on Al. B's thread and it cum in use to see how the inside woorks.

the other pic is for the way of hooking up a drain line. This way u dont have to bend over and try to pick up the container. Water is very haevy and wood be hard to pick up, its a very good idea and a simple connection, all u have to do is put 2 valves on the plumbings lines. one on the fill line and one on the drain line. this way all u have to do is change the valves settings and start to drain the rez to get most of the water out to u can easyly pic the rez up and clean and refill.

Just giveing more advice than needed, prolly did not need it but it just there in case anyone runns in to this problem.

- Styl!st



Well-Known Member
I had access to the 3x3 table for free was never used or even drilled out, using 3/4" fittings and a 320ghp pump to fill the table. 4 12" airstones in a 35 gal res (rubbermaid tote) & will be adding a secondary 15 gal res for topping off. Was thinking of upping to a 600w light setup but i think it might be overkill for such a small area, and i think it may cause heat issues.
Nice setup

So a question.... Is 4 inch ducting able to move enough air to substantially cool a 400w light? could it cool a 600w?
I know that as long as u have a good enough air flow and low temps durring the lights on u can easyly cool that 400w light. The 600w does get real hot and could be a problem if the temp out side the op get hot for any reason. IMO

To answer ur ????? with a 4" duct line and at least 200cfm will cool the 400, so yes it will, easyly with the temp bing as low as 70 at all times.

The 600 w is another story and should use a 6" line with a cool tube with at least a 200cfm fan to cool the light. I think that if u step up the size of ur duct line u can easyly cool that light.

I have a 600w light with a 450cgm fan, out side temp 70-77, and my temps stay around 77-83 whitch is not bad since im in a 4x4 tent. If i where u i wood get the 600w since u have low temps out side the room but i wood up size the ducting to 6" and a 200cfm axial fan.IMO U dont need a big huge fan but just enough to push cool air thru the light an d ou the op in to the attic or out side the room. Make sure ur ducting to the light is in a closed loop so u dont raise the temp out side the room or in the grow space,

temps right outside the outside the op rarely go over 70 even in summer:joint:
That is a great ting if the temp never goes up or down. Hopefully up can get rid of the heat from the light to the attic or othere room. If u are sending the hot air to another room in ur house ur AC will be fighting the heat from the light. Ive my ligh dumping the hot air in another room and my AC has to fight it even in the winter.

I hope this helped even a lil cuz i just rambleing now cuz Im :blsmoke:

I Love Wake 'n bake bongsmilie

Yes i wood get the 600w, ur plants will tank u later..........

- Styl!st



Well-Known Member
naw its the flood and drain and the over flow fitting
All righty then, well let see i got theese from my local hydro store and they are really cheap too, but hard to find and the big box stores.
If u dont have a hydro store around u and cant find theese fittings u might have to look around on the net and have htem shipped to u.

CIMG4327.JPGThey have a 1/2" hose fitting on them with a barbed end, it also has 2 rubber o-rings with a big white nut to tighten it all together. U will need a drill bit to fit this to ur flood table, i think its 1 1/4", u can find theese in the hardware section with the 2" door drill bits. I have foud this pack with four differant sizes from 1 1/4" - 2 1/2", it fits perfect with the fitting for the fill and drain line.

U dont even need any silicone on theese fiiting eithere just screw on till it get about hand tight and ur done, very very simple.

If there is any thing else that u need just ask..................

- Styl!st


Well-Known Member
thank you and i do have a hydro store around me! i could probably get them when they pull there dicks out there asses and help people on the small stuff like this instead i am prob going to have to order them but i will check with them and see