Cheap GrowRoom?

alrite well im just experimenting, so i wanted to know how to build a CHEAP i mean cheap grow room for 1 plant max.
preferably small.
and a cheap way to keep out the smell.
its gonna be indoors because i live by a school.

any suggestions? thanks


Well-Known Member
use a trash can
For what? For best results I suggest purchasing a 250HPS light, a 3 gallon container, fox farm soil, a well ventilated room, and a marijuana horticulture book, (got mine at a used book store called the 'Cannabis Grow Bible') or any dvd or book from the master Jorge Cervantes. Best advice is patience.


Well-Known Member
have you seen mine? good for veging 1 plant. ive herd aluminum foil is not a good reflector, but it works fine for me. when i upgrade ill get those silver heat blankets as well as a bigger growbox. i have a fan blowing inside the box from outside of it and that requires i keep the little "door" open. all things considered i think its good for a FREE box. it works perfect for what ii need, however the pros would scoff at my lighting and size


Well-Known Member
If any of the so-called pros rag your system, its because they probably forgot how they got started. There is nothing wrong with a small starter setup if that is what will get you by. I recently upgraded to a two room hydro setup that will let me flower 33 plants at a time. But I got started with one light, two pots and some soil. I didnt even have a fan on them at first. Good luck to you, I hope you get some killer bud from your grow.
Alrite thanks for all your posts. ima check them out.
But i really need the smell out. will those little airwicks that spray every 9 min or so work? for jus 1 plant?
that plus a small pc fan?

and i was wondering will it keep out the smell while flowering. and thanks again you guys. i love RIU


Well-Known Member
Here's my 2 cents, well closer to $50. But that's include lights and everything.
I used aluminum flashing from the local home depot. About $20 worth. Pre-painted white on one side, brown on the other. Cut strips, about 4 feet long. Width can be puchased as either 14 or 10 inch. Thin aluminum, very easy to work with.
Bend around and you get cylinders of 14/10 inch height, and pretty much wide as you want. I stacked 3 to get a tube 38 inches tall. Screws for making sections, duct tape for stacking sections.
Used a steel pizza dish with porcelain sockets, on top and you have a light fixture for less than 10$. Pc case fan add for vent. Filter can be placed at the outlet. I'm growing a single nl#5, and the smell outside the tube is undetectable.
I've got a veg going for about 30 days. Work in progress, but it was cheap, and is working well so far. Here's the grow log link.
oh and im planning to ScrOG so i can keep it really short. any tips for this?
and im planning on getting a big pvc pip (big in diameter short in length) and im gonna build that into a carbon filter
and im gonna put a small fian inside the grow box. with lights on top gonna keep it really small and compact inside.
what is the worst that will happen to a plant that is short with barely any root space and i put a wire net on top so it cant grow?
whats the difference from a carbon scrubber and a filter?
the one im gonna build is a pipe with activated carbon jus packed into it and letting the air come out through the other side and not smelling.
im guessing that a filter rite?
what does a scrubber do


Well-Known Member
For what? For best results I suggest purchasing a 250HPS light, a 3 gallon container, fox farm soil, a well ventilated room, and a marijuana horticulture book, (got mine at a used book store called the 'Cannabis Grow Bible') or any dvd or book from the master Jorge Cervantes. Best advice is patience.
250w for ONE PLANT? Seriously?
yeah i think that is outrageuosly too much.
because this is me just expirementing.
not loking for the dankest shit.
and yeh thats out of my budget im using for this.