Cheap-o ebay LED box

Ok well learned some more stuff. Using a dremel to cut metal is really loud and slow, and I'm not sure how I can put my apartment neighbors through that much noise for 20 minutes. I don't know what excuse I would use if I had to explain it to building management.

Here are some new pics. I got the fan and built a little box adapter to vent the air out.

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good idea with the box. I would just get it done and if anyone comes knocking tell em u were doing a mod on a game console or something.
good idea with the box. I would just get it done and if anyone comes knocking tell em u were doing a mod on a game console or something.
Or sharpening hockey skates

I'll do it tonight
I learned that cutting sheet metal with a drill bit or hole saw isnt a worthwhile endeavour. I will find a dremel sometime to finish the ventalation.

This is shelved for now.
I was a sheet metal guy in the air force. When we did patches we would cut a circle, oval, or square with rounded corners. The way we would cut a hole was a drill bit. You drill around your circle with a small drill bit. The wholes would touch and be just inside your mark. When it was out we would use a rotary file to clean the hole up.
That metal actually looks thin enough to cut with metal shears. There are three in a set. A left hand, right hand, and straight cut. The handles will be yellow, green, and red. The colors let you know what cut they make.
I might finally be reviving this ;) I have a garage now and tools - only problem is it's so cold, my garage isn't heated so I don't know if it's OK to be cutting metal in -25c
I kind of changed my mind too. It's such a waste IMO to put cheap LEDs in such a cool box - I'm thinking about putting 4 Vero 13 gen 7's in there. The problem I thought about shortly after I started this project was If I goto the trouble to cut apart the walls to fit cobs and then I decide I want nicer cobs later it might mess me up .

14000 lumens in a 18x18 space? I think that should work just fine :)
