panheads $3 carbon filter...please link me??!?!? lol.I have the ona gel and a gallon of the liquid. You can mix it with some water and pour it onto perlite which will help it last. I dont like the smell of it though. I bought it before I saw Panheads $3 carbon filter... I always end up wasting money whenever I try to take shortcuts. The ona does work though. on growfaqs theres a article about making a really good ona odor removing machine. it works well, but i cant stand the smell of ona anymore. I stuck it in my bathroom and open it up when nature calls or I have to shit. it helps.
Anything for you!panheads $3 carbon filter...please link me??!?!? lol.
yeah, thats the problem I had... The whole house smelled of the stuff, and it was strong. It started smelling like I had just snorted a kilo of weed and air freshener. It masked the weed smell for the most part, but I was left trying to explain the rancid super-powered air freshener stench to people...I saw that thread, I was all into doing it, but then I got lazy and said fuck it. you can buy a small decent sized scrubber for 30 bucks but I dont know, gel just seemed more convenient, and I like it, the smell is alittle too strong and is now starting to smell half the house, but thats the price you pay for being cheap, or lazy? or both? I dont know which. I like this stuff, it was an easy cheap non problamatic quick fix, that hopfuly will fix well or something to that effect?
now this combined with a carbon scrubber!, but I'mm too cheap, and or lazy, and or high to do it... now?
I confused myself![]()
yeah, thats the problem I had... The whole house smelled of the stuff, and it was strong. It started smelling like I had just snorted a kilo of weed and air freshener. It masked the weed smell for the most part, but I was left trying to explain the rancid super-powered air freshener stench to people...