Here is a review from Amazon, not sounding like anything I would use. Love my Chikamasa curved blade scissors with resin resistive coating though...
"Ok, so somehow this is a magic bag... Do you believe in MAGIC?
For $300 I will show you a trick. (Your money) Poof it's GONE!
So it is a durable bag with a heavy duty plastic chicken wire style netting in the bottom. That is the only thing going for it, is it's durability.
This tossing motion they tell you to do is where the magic begins.
Well, I could beat the bag up and down until my arms fell off. Nothing is going to make your flowers look like theirs in the videos online.
I used my moisture meter to test flowers before using this magic bag and I was registering 6-8% humidity. Dry as they are going to get before turning to dust.
This Magic Bag came no where close to their advertisements.
Not to mention, YES IT KNOCKS OFF YOUR TRICHS. Don't let anyone fool you on that. Though, if you were concerned about that you wouldn't be putting your hard work into a bag and tossing it up and down.
If the people from Trimbag want to comment to this negative review, so be it. Though, don't tell me so many people have loved it and major companies are using it. That is as magic as your BAG of TRICKS. Also, don't even bother asking me if I followed your directions. I was an engineer for many years. Therfore, I always follow directions."