a mouse told me once that when poppy pods come back in season you can make poppy pod extract with below tools. he said it makes it easyer to dose and just toss the extract in your favorite warm drink. or swallow the extract like pills.
heres the tools he said he used:
Ninja Grinder
to grind the pods to dust
5 gallon crock pot
to steep a large amount of pods in
large press so squeese out all the liquid from the pod pulp
put resulting liquid in large pyrex dishes with
Space heater rigged on top:
Drys a full dish in aout 24 hours
he says you will end up with a bunch of this gooop:
He said about 6 grams of goop will mess u up for like 24 hours but some people only need much less than that. caution must be taken as if you take too much all at once you could DIE.