Cheapest EC and/or pH meters THAT WORK

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I use a Hanna Primo 4. Never had an issue. It calibrates very easily. I cross checked it with one from our dialysis unit and it was so close to that $1000 medical instrument that it was negligible.

I don't drink the water. It rusts pipes and fish fuck in it - W.C. Fields 1939


Siino Gardens

Well-Known Member
I would hope not! They had the pitcher to strain it....Big organic iron (there's 2 kinds) problem.
I had them in an RO so fast after I showed then that!
I had no clue how much the water quality varied. I figured we had some sort of standard ppm that was allowed and that all our water was relatively similar. You guys have blown my mind :P.

700ppm sounds like an artery clogger to me lol.

I would get the whole house on RO if I had to use a stinky well.


Active Member

Only decent ph pen to buy imo I'd rather have a good ph pen and dial into my plants using half strngth nutes, they can tell its too little or too hot but your water won't tell you it ph5.5 or 7.5 yeah? obviously we need both but save up and buy one, good luck man.
hey Cl@rksville, could you hit me hit a message when/if you see this, want to get your opinion on this ph pen if you dont mind bro ;) just come across it online and now just trying to find a user review. thanks.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member

Unless you buy your weed for five bucks a quarter, buying cheap instruments is a fool's economy. If you CAN buy your weed for five bucks a quarter, what are you doing growing it?

So buy the best instruments and then you can count on them. I bought the Bluelab combo meter and literally wore it out over the course of several years of daily usage.

I bought another one and it's going strong. It's on its second replaceable probe, the first one broke and was replaced under warranty.
I use to agree with this but changed my mind after buying a cheap meter off of eBay to backup my second blue lab and it has outlasted my blue lab by two years lol. I may have got lucky but will buy another next week and see how that one works out :). I'll try and post a link later when I order it. Been using it on the hot tub as well so driving it like I stole it :).


Well-Known Member
I use to agree with this but changed my mind after buying a cheap meter off of eBay to backup my second blue lab and it has outlasted my blue lab by two years lol. I may have got lucky but will buy another next week and see how that one works out :). I'll try and post a link later when I order it. Been using it on the hot tub as well so driving it like I stole it :).
Lol I use mine in my hot tub, too- how's that hard use?