Still a long list of things to do but I'm getting there. I'll compile all of this into a single "How To" once I'm finished.
I have to declare this one of the most miserable fun projects I've worked on in a while. 103 degrees today outdoors which
means my garage (work bench) had to have been about 10 degrees warmer.
Had to put a diaper on my head to keep the sweat off my glasses.
I'm not sure I want to see how that looked, if we are talking Humpers and Pampers,
Anyway I'm envious on those big ass heat sinks, they cost a lot here, so I'm scanning my surroundings for anything usable:
Some old CPU/GPU coolers would work nicely, what else do I got, a speaker with a flat back, great for a low budget
passive cooling with it's great mass and heat transferring capacity. OR remove the speakers membrane and mount a fan blowing down on the magnet
then the cooling power could be great.
And some old 1U Alexis audio effects, thats just been taking up space, but I've been reluctant to put them in the garbage.
I need three of them, and this would work, but what about cooling, will a fan fit inside?
Thats Nice - I have 3-4 12V Fan that are to slow to be used in the grow room
they would do nicely inside these tubes, and with some vent holes on top, this is perfect.