Cheating a drug test


Well-Known Member
Yo rollers ive been at the same depressing job for 3 years and need change. I was going to try and get a job working at a water plant and I know they'll do an entry test, and there's no way id even go half way through the week sober. I've heard of the wizzinator, using another friends pee in a condom strapped to my leg, or sketchy gnc detoxes that may not even work. I'd like to see if anyone has had any luck with detox products that have a few hours window clean pee, I'm sure if i went that root id need b12 to add color. If i try a detox ill probably try it out on a test at home before doing the real thing, any tips cheating drug tests would be appreciated
I've used Quick Fix synthetic urine on two drug tests and passed both times. Besides quitting for a while this would be a good alternative.
You don't want b12 for color you want b-complex but only take it about 2 hours before your test cause it causes crazy colors after about 3 hours. I copped a felony bout 8 years back and had to drug test once a month twice a month torwards the end for receiving illegal substances in the mail. Lol but was sentenced to 4 years in prison but it got suspended because I had never broke the law before. Anyway all I did before I went in to take the test was the morning I woke up I started drinking water hardcore to make sure I pissed every 15-30 min and took the b-complex 2 hours before worked like a charm. Just remember your gonna piss like a race horse for the rest of the night but it worked for me. If it hadn't I would have been in deep shit. For just a job screening here were I'm at they don't go in the bathroom with you so I always just found an iv bag filled it with piss and was good to go. Hope this helps got any ?s let me know
Wow thanks for the replies, Soulman420 I'd hate to go with a synthetic route but ill look into it, they need to include uric acid and creatine and possibly other things idk, but I definitely like the idea of pissing out the toxins as painful as it sounds and go with real stuff incase they find the synthetic is missing stuff, but id hate to think some metabolites might come out and it be on my record for a job screen. I was thinking about buying some body cleanser at cvs after work where im most sober drink water and pee 3 times then use a 10 dollar test from cvs to just see if I'm in the window and to see if the color is ok after an hour 2 then at 3 ill see what color it turns O_o, anyone second my idea or would the cleanser be bogus? Id hate to buy 2 of them to test it out because they're probably like 30 bucks
What about some sort of urine flask id bound to find someone with clean pee i hated the idea of using a condom with nail Clippers i could practice with water first if i just put it on the car dash with the defrost on high and put it in my underwear id only need to fill a condom up a third-half way and there made to not leak.. would smuggling clean real pee be easier? Its a job screen so they shouldn't have to watch me pee
im not reading the long posts.
sunthetic urine is just that amd completely undetectable in a lab, specific gravity, creatine etc...all good.

only 100% method besides abstaining a few days
^^Definitely what he said. Quick fix is a quality brand to go with.

PS Water treatment is an excellent field to get into. It's a skilled trade that mostly works on apprenticeship and most towns don't require a college degree. the pay in the field is only going up because of a shortage of trained operators.
think ive decided with the quick fix, is it difficult to keep around 98 degrees if I keep it in my gooch? and do they sell them at local headshops or should I go ahead and order now to have it in time online? droopy I think water treatment is going to be a blast if I can get the job
I have used a solution called Detox XXl from detox4less.I passed a DOT Piss Test on Xanax and Cannabis as well as a few other substances..It lasts for 5 hours too.
i personally use Ultra Klean pre-mixed kind of expensive but requires no refrigeration,freezing or thawing and has a 3 year shelf life .I keep a bottle on me at all times at work just in case of randoms come up.which they have quite often.contains all the ingredients normally found in urine and is properly balanced for ph. it also comes with hot hands the things you use for hunting.their little packets you can buy at wal mart in the hunting section. you open and when exposed to air they heat up, so a rubber band and that together fixes your heat problem.