Well-Known Member
shes an ok woman.. not a good one. Like I say, not a head turner, lazy, dull, boring, overly reliant on her mother . Theres many more reasons why I want out. I COULD stand to stay with her if she were a few points higher on the attraction scale. that's all im saying. I can still support the kid
Looks are initially a factor in who we are attracted to, but at a certain point in a good relationship they really become a non-issue. I thought my wife was smokin hot when I met her 13 years ago. Since then she's popped out 3 kids, gained 25lbs, and her hair is starting to turn grey.... and I find her even more attractive now than I did then.
My advice to you is to quit pissing around, pull your balls out of your purse and leave her. You are fucking with her head at this point all because you don't have a dime to your name and want to continue sponging off of her. Bad form dude.
Hopefully she will find someone that values her as a person, and not an object.