
shes an ok woman.. not a good one. Like I say, not a head turner, lazy, dull, boring, overly reliant on her mother . Theres many more reasons why I want out. I COULD stand to stay with her if she were a few points higher on the attraction scale. that's all im saying. I can still support the kid

Looks are initially a factor in who we are attracted to, but at a certain point in a good relationship they really become a non-issue. I thought my wife was smokin hot when I met her 13 years ago. Since then she's popped out 3 kids, gained 25lbs, and her hair is starting to turn grey.... and I find her even more attractive now than I did then.

My advice to you is to quit pissing around, pull your balls out of your purse and leave her. You are fucking with her head at this point all because you don't have a dime to your name and want to continue sponging off of her. Bad form dude.

Hopefully she will find someone that values her as a person, and not an object.
Who thinks cheating is ok?

I am in a long term, unhappy relationship with a young kid involved.

I just want out, but have nowhere to move out to, and fear emotionally destroying my partner. I have tried a few times to end it, and it always ends up with me feeling bad and rationalizing my thoughts and saying it'll be ok.

Damn even last week she found a pof account open (just made it recently and haven't met anyone on it yet) and there was never any mention of breaking up. Or being angry. I mean this could have been my golden ticket.. full on row, it's over, blah blah.. it would have been messy but t least it would have happened, which is what I want.

But no, Just questioning why I had it, crying, and neediness.

The hardest part of it all is the reason I want out. It's simply because she isn't hot enough. Shes about a 6 out of 10. very very average to borderline below average. I just feel like I'm missing out on the "game" and trying to "level up" . I'm all about self development and realizing your potential, and I know for a fact I deserve a far more attractive life partner. cruel but true.
This monogamy bs is noting but a western social fabrication that goes completely against our biological needs.

I feel so fucking trapped and am considering just cheating. The only con of cheating in this situation to me is the deception of the new girl. I would hate to flirt and bag a date with a great looking fun girl only for her to eventually find out I was playing her . It has to happen when I don't have a place of my own.

wtf to do guys

so. basically pros and cons of current gf

- not attractive enough
-no connection
-sex is there but meaningless
-have a 4 yr old kid
-live together /nowhere to go


- cooking /cleaning
- no drama
-worships me , I can do no wrong.

can you see how hard this is?

I guess I need to emotionally man up and accept that i'm going to have to hurt her a great deal in order to fulfil my own desires.

Who thinks cheating is ok?

I am in a long term, unhappy relationship with a young kid involved.

I just want out, but have nowhere to move out to, and fear emotionally destroying my partner. I have tried a few times to end it, and it always ends up with me feeling bad and rationalizing my thoughts and saying it'll be ok.

Damn even last week she found a pof account open (just made it recently and haven't met anyone on it yet) and there was never any mention of breaking up. Or being angry. I mean this could have been my golden ticket.. full on row, it's over, blah blah.. it would have been messy but t least it would have happened, which is what I want.

But no, Just questioning why I had it, crying, and neediness.

The hardest part of it all is the reason I want out. It's simply because she isn't hot enough. Shes about a 6 out of 10. very very average to borderline below average. I just feel like I'm missing out on the "game" and trying to "level up" . I'm all about self development and realizing your potential, and I know for a fact I deserve a far more attractive life partner. cruel but true.
This monogamy bs is noting but a western social fabrication that goes completely against our biological needs.

I feel so fucking trapped and am considering just cheating. The only con of cheating in this situation to me is the deception of the new girl. I would hate to flirt and bag a date with a great looking fun girl only for her to eventually find out I was playing her . It has to happen when I don't have a place of my own.

wtf to do guys

so. basically pros and cons of current gf

- not attractive enough
-no connection
-sex is there but meaningless
-have a 4 yr old kid
-live together /nowhere to go


- cooking /cleaning
- no drama
-worships me , I can do no wrong.

can you see how hard this is?

I guess I need to emotionally man up and accept that i'm going to have to hurt her a great deal in order to fulfil my own desires.
You are a number one asshole, and someone on here is asking are woman good!!! My god you thought your girlfriend was attractive enough to sleep with and have your child but not now, she is better off without you no wonder she is needy she probably see's your disinterest in your family and is waiting for the day you walk away. If you find someone who worships you I hope she see's you for what you are and writes on a forum telling everyone you are not attractive enough, sex is boring and your needy etc etc :cuss:
a vasectomy is something I thought of.. I worry about it fucking up hormones.. reducing testosterone perhaps.

and I should stop pissng about and do it. I am fucking with her because she knows deep down I want to go. She wont let me basically, im being emotionally trapped. and I am the one who has the job and pays the rent. so that's not the issue

everyone cept clayton (who seems real) seems to be on a moral high horse here.
We all have oppinions of the levels of attractiveness we want in a partner, our own valuation of what we ourselves are at. I've been told I am a good looking guy, I work out, have a nice car . In most cases guys like me have trophy gfs, whereas I settled for average because I have been too empathetic to leave. But it is getting a long ass time, and really needs to happen sooner or later. for better or worse.
Damn bro you should of thought of all that shit before you had a kid........sorry but you sound very selfish.And I'm not saying you should stay at all, stop being a pansy and do what you have to do, prolonging it will only make things worst.
Explain how you got with her in the beginning

I got with her because she clung to me. and ..i'm not shallow. looks aren't everything. She isn't ugly , we got on well, weeks turned to months , months to years. But there was never a spark. She was clingy and needy, and at first I liked that. I liked being her world. But years later, I see friends with smoking hot blonde gfs and i'm thinking.. fs why did I settle for less. Imagine having sex with someone you actually find irresistible.. how good would that be. and i'll never find out unless A) cheat (which I don't think I can do) or b) leave (destroying the feeling of a very nice person and mother of my kid.)
Bottom line I am unsatisfied. you only live once
Damn bro you should of thought of all that shit before you had a kid........sorry but you sound very selfish.And I'm not saying you should stay at all, stop being a pansy and do what you have to do, prolonging it will only make things worst.

I know, I was emotionally immature when that decision was made, I regret it on one hand but at same time how can you regret having a child.

So what if I leave, I still gave that kid the chance of life. I can still be there for him.
everyone cept clayton (who seems real) seems to be on a moral high horse here.

Geez, I wonder why? You made a fucking list of pros and cons about your partner like you're trying to decide which quilt set to buy. This list includes such gems as "she worships me", "she cooks and cleans for me", and "I get my pecker wet".

You can't understand why people think you're acting like a dick? SMH
Kids are much more perceptive than you give them credit for.

If you are truly unhappy and there is no saving the relationship....Now is the time, if you wait, it will only make it harder on you, him, and her, and you will spend that much more time being unhappy. You're choice either way, good luck.
I got with her because she clung to me. and ..i'm not shallow. looks aren't everything. She isn't ugly , we got on well, weeks turned to months , months to years. But there was never a spark. She was clingy and needy, and at first I liked that. I liked being her world. But years later, I see friends with smoking hot blonde gfs and i'm thinking.. fs why did I settle for less. Imagine having sex with someone you actually find irresistible.. how good would that be. and i'll never find out unless A) cheat (which I don't think I can do) or b) leave (destroying the feeling of a very nice person and mother of my kid.)
Bottom line I am unsatisfied. you only live once

What you're going to find out is that this super hot blonde you're dreaming of will be great for a few weeks.... and then the looks will fade and be burried under a mountain of her other bullshit that you never saw coming.
What you're going to find out is that this super hot blonde you're dreaming of will be great for a few weeks.... and then the looks will fade and be burried under a mountain of her other bullshit that you never saw coming.
well you coul dbe right there

and as for being a dick, yes pros and cons. I'm not going for social ettiqute ina place like this. I am unravelling the deepest part of my mind . we all have pros and cons. about this shit, getting your pecker wet is a pro in anyones book.
OP is gonna have long enough to think about it, 15 years worth of child support hurts.
Now say you knock the new one up, there's double the child support for even longer.
A decade and a half of child support is no fun but is your duty.
Oh, and as for the testosterone concern, it doesn't affect it negatively. All they do is tie your sperm shooters off so they don't get out. Your body reabsorbs them. The only thing I noticed was that my money shot is about the size of a quarter (otherwise, I would have made my own osterich milk art on Shitbaggy's sister's pic). In my 40's still strong like bull.

It's really a quick and pretty much painless procedure. Have a jock strap and bag of frozen peas ready at the house.
a vasectomy is something I thought of.. I worry about it fucking up hormones.. reducing testosterone perhaps.

and I should stop pissng about and do it. I am fucking with her because she knows deep down I want to go. She wont let me basically, im being emotionally trapped. and I am the one who has the job and pays the rent. so that's not the issue

everyone cept clayton (who seems real) seems to be on a moral high horse here.
We all have oppinions of the levels of attractiveness we want in a partner, our own valuation of what we ourselves are at. I've been told I am a good looking guy, I work out, have a nice car . In most cases guys like me have trophy gfs, whereas I settled for average because I have been too empathetic to leave. But it is getting a long ass time, and really needs to happen sooner or later. for better or worse.
Oh Please get over yourself :-x
This is real simple......unless she's been in a horrible industrial accident I doubt her apperance has changed since you first encountered her and it's apparent that looks are important to you. You should have thought about that
T H E N not now . This is how I see it and this is coming from a man who's been married for 37 years to the same beautiful woman and I hope her face is the last one I see as I draw my last breath. Do everyone a favor pack your shit and get out the kid deserves better !