Check it- 420w CFL- Air Cooled- SCROG/SOG Fixture Design


Well-Known Member
Lol who suggests to leave a 400 watt HPS a foot from your plants?
It is kept at least 6-9 inches off the plants that means due to your chart that means it is giving off 63,000-28,000
I keep my bulb 6 inches off the plant as most 400 watt HPS users do
Lol I'm sorry man but no matter what you say or what you post 400 watt HPS > 420 watts of CFL all day everyday
Where were my personal attacks?
Btw your chart proves my point even more so thank you
There you go, you got the last word in on the argument, feel better, and yes thats exactly what I did, proved your point, though ready the thread makes it look alot different, you do realize this fixture is for a 3.1 sqf grow area right, you read that right? why in gods name would I want an hps in there? you know how fast that bulb would heat up that small area? Im sorry if I hurt your ego saying that I PERSONALLY prefer cfls over hps for a personal grow, I shouldnt have even gave you the time of day, cause i said earlier im not arguing, you are the one who came in here and decide you had to prove me wrong god knows why, go find something better to do