Check it out, my first grows harvest approaches

ski high

So like I've been growin some dope in my closet and about 2 weeks ago I trimmed off a fan leaf just to keep in a journal. anyways the bud right above it is noticably larger than the one directly across which still has (had) a leaf attached to it.

I like went nuts and trimmed of allot of the fan leafs because I thought it would make a bigger yield.

anyways with all those leaves I tried my hand at makin some brownies mmm.... just had two like 10 minutes ago... my question is... will this get me high? oh and will trimmin off all those leaves hurt me plants production, lookin back on it I feel kinda dumb.

guess I'll find out soon enough =) I'm startin to feel good already!!

I'm gonna be leavin this place on tuesday next week, sept 1 and I'm debatin on weather I should bring up the whole plant in my truck, or harvest now. I don't wanna cut her up to early, but I don't really have anywhere to put it were I'm goin other than in my truck....

a well thinking out loud here sorry got carried away, I think them brownies are workin =-)


oh right and anyone ever heard of Matenuska Thunderfuck? its like a local legend were I'm from =-)


Well-Known Member
You just put the leaves in the brownies? You have to go thru a process that you make hemp butter, and then use the butter to make brownies.

ski high

That thought in your head is also in my head.

''check out what'' his words lol.
theirs just no hope...
dude I guess I tricked ya sorry,

Punk said:
You just put the leaves in the brownies? You have to go thru a process that you make hemp butter, and then use the butter to make brownies.
yea I made butter, and then brownies.. I'm not that stupid, sorry if I sound like a retard here

anyways good luck everyone, I totally didn't mean to trick you so good look surfin da web peace:leaf:


Active Member
Round these parts we call it "Alaskan Thunderfuck" which sounds suiting. My buddy grows a few of those every year, I always make it a point to get some. Good shit.