Check my 1st Outdoor Medical Grow!


Well-Known Member
here's a pic of the Jack Herer I've been puffin on lately though. just freshly pulled organic indo :weed:
now I'm gonna go take a bowl or two bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
they are coming along great bro :D

dont ever give up on them bro..... a little hard work is nothing compared to what they will give you in the end :D


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the kind words fellas :bigjoint: definitely stickin it through. hopefully july and august just zip by us so we can get to the good months so all us ganja pirates can count are bounties :weed:


Well-Known Member
What up B!! Hey, thanks for the kind words on my grow thread!! And I gotta give you props as well, your grow looks great!!! Wish i could have my stuff more out in the open like that, with more exposure, but then again, i definately don't envy your soil situation. At least where i'm at the native soil is pretty rich, if a little acidic. But that's why we Do Work, right!?! I'm scribed to your grow also!! Two thoughts really quick though. They are gonna need more than 10 gallons between them very soon !(No. Cali right? ) And on the heels of that statement, Don't give up on 'em!!!! They need your TLC!! Girls are like that, always needin affection and attention, wantin' ya to cuddle up with 'em!!LOL Great job, best of luck, an' i'll be watchin!!!!:peace:


Well-Known Member
What up B!! Hey, thanks for the kind words on my grow thread!! And I gotta give you props as well, your grow looks great!!! Wish i could have my stuff more out in the open like that, with more exposure, but then again, i definately don't envy your soil situation. At least where i'm at the native soil is pretty rich, if a little acidic. But that's why we Do Work, right!?! I'm scribed to your grow also!! Two thoughts really quick though. They are gonna need more than 10 gallons between them very soon !(No. Cali right? ) And on the heels of that statement, Don't give up on 'em!!!! They need your TLC!! Girls are like that, always needin affection and attention, wantin' ya to cuddle up with 'em!!LOL Great job, best of luck, an' i'll be watchin!!!!:peace:
Thanks man :blsmoke: but yea the native dirt is hardly soil. just the most clayish dirt ever. and yea I'm in northern Cal and its heating up so I will have to start hauling in two 5 gallon jugs. gonna be a bitch. :evil: just sucks I can't give this garden the babying I'm giving to my other smaller garden that's a lot closer and easier accessible. I have a better attitude towards it now though and I've done too much work to throw in the towel. just keepin my eye on the prize but going day by day. just cant wait till october :weed:


Well-Known Member
just cant wait till october :weed:
Yeah B, gotta love harvest time!! Trimmin gets old after a couple hours, but hey, who's complainin!?!?!?!?!?


Well-Known Member
So I watered my "secret garden" today and snapped some pictures. I was out there and started hearing something big rustling in the bushes and it ended up being a huge buck and two does. They were just starin at me like "whattayagonnado" so I just charged them and they dipped out real quick haha :twisted: So I had a bunch of dog hair from when I shaved my chow x akita mix and I spread that all around the perimeter of my garden so hopefully they get a whiff of my dog and don't want anything to do around there anymore. it's worked so far so let's hope it continues to work. but here are the picture's :weed:

1-small gdp
2- hindu skunk
3- cheese
4- bigger gdp and cali o I've been giving hair cuts to 1/3 the way up
5- cali o
6- "fruity delight" in full bloom now
7- secret garden :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
haha thatd b a funny site chargin the deer. but entertaining. ive heard human urine works too... but crop is lookin good! props for the heavy haulin haha


Well-Known Member
haha thatd b a funny site chargin the deer. but entertaining. ive heard human urine works too... but crop is lookin good! props for the heavy haulin haha
haha thanks man. it's been a bitch hauling so much. especially down some pretty steep grades with leaves, pineneedles and sharp rocks. busted my ass pretty good the other day when I was hauling water. slipped and landed my left cheek on the sharpest rock around just stickin up. ripped my shorts and inevitably, pierced my ass :evil: shit hurt so bad haha and then I still had to keep goin with a busted ass.
those deer better not have cruised on back after I left though.. I'm gonna speed up with my car every deer I see if they touch my girls.. :twisted:


Active Member
fuccin hot.... im nor cal also.. and this heats a muv fucca... found out burried in the ground instead of being in black pots keeps your plants happier lol..... im putting another 1 in the ground tomorrow but at 12 bucks a bag of fox farm and i got 6 plants, i fail for not having a job lol nice plants though this works gonna pay off.. i got october high lighted on my fridge lol


Well-Known Member
fuccin hot.... im nor cal also.. and this heats a muv fucca... found out burried in the ground instead of being in black pots keeps your plants happier lol..... im putting another 1 in the ground tomorrow but at 12 bucks a bag of fox farm and i got 6 plants, i fail for not having a job lol nice plants though this works gonna pay off.. i got october high lighted on my fridge lol
damn dude $12 a bag? FF is good but not for that much. maybe I'm just being cheap haha.
but yea they're definitely happier in the ground. I have my other garden in grow bags and they're doing alright so far but seems like the soil dries out faster in the bags compared to the ones I have in the ground. can't fucking wait for october! :weed: