check out my babies...first grow (masta kush)


Well-Known Member
What week are you in?7, If so I would start a flush especially if your not all organic like me!! I have some sick people that cant handle some chemicals!!


Well-Known Member
yo cheezy!!! I know I said I was gonna check this out a long time ago, but nature got its pushy ass in the way... the bitch.... Anyway your plants are looking great! I would like to know if you have a scope to check those trichs.... I would love to hear what they are looking like before you start to flush... What day of flower are we in?? What is your ppm running at?


Well-Known Member sorry dude...idont check pppms.....i figured my soil was good...water ph balanced so i didnt want to get to complicated....i dont have a scope either....sorry dude...thanx tho for stoppin in.. iunderstand....hope your house is okay...


Well-Known Member
yup house is good!! finally got power back! You should consider getting a lil scope from radio shack! It will make telling when you are ready to flush and harvest a lot easier. Also prolly not so needed now but ppm meter would be a good investment for next grow! ppm = parts per million..


Well-Known Member
for sure....i seen the ppm on my ph strip...but i dont pay grow gonna have to get that shack huh....ill get it...i started flushing my small plant already cause....the nugs are much more developed...well alittle bit more dev.......


Well-Known Member
hope its not to early for it.. the scope is like ten bucks at radio shack. crucial purchase if ya ask me. How long have you been in flower stage?


Well-Known Member
definitely get the scope now, son. my pistils are turning brown but the trichomes are still clear. so farther away from harvest than i woud like but its better to know. and those trichomes are great to see anyway.


Well-Known Member

Bad news guys.... my leaves on the big plant are shrivelling....turning brown.....they look bad... i think its an exteme case of nute burn.....cause the other ladies okay..... i started flushin her..... shes fine.... should i be concearned....???? ill post pics soon as i can....


Well-Known Member
bummer man - does sound like nutes. best wishes on her recovery. tell her she's loved and needed, maybe she'll hear you.


Well-Known Member
thanx rat.... im gonna ride it out...unkow see what happens.... i get all crazy when somthings wrong... even the most minute thing.... ill see what happens ....