check out my babies...first grow (masta kush)


Well-Known Member
i stared flower 7/28 or something ....about 4-5 weeks.... deasert rat also is in the same stage as us...lets see who gets the gold metal....your definately in the lead...desert has a nice batch too.....


Well-Known Member
Have to check his out, I have 10 Super Silver Haze, 1 N.L. 1 Cyber Crystal and 7 Grand Daddy Purples!! The silvers are getting ready to poof out!!


Well-Known Member
Thats a drug laboratory.... I couldnt hide all that shit in my clutches.... man i wish i could tho.....let me get a pound of yoooooo sweatesssssttttt cheebaaaaah.....mannnnnng....

Right now im puffin on some sage kush...itttssssss faaaaantasttttiiiiicccc.......MMMMMMMMMMMMM...MMMMMMMMMMBBBBBIIIIIIAATTTTCCCCHHH!!!!!


Well-Known Member
u tellme davii....thats all camera tricks there not really that big.....ill give um another month....


Well-Known Member
Looks like you're winning the gold. nice grow man! :)
hey want in on this comp.....get gotta be atleast 3-4weeks in flower tho.....fuckin thrax...we need to test those girls out for steriods....dont get eliminated.....


Well-Known Member
hey cheezy - your girls are looking great - having looked carefully at them, and considering my having topped my plants, i suggest we decide the winner of the comp based on the number of colas per plant. what ya think all you fellow competitors?


Well-Known Member
Thats fine sense I super crpped and have between eight and twelve Kolas per plant, Well on the S.S.H. and and the Cyber and a few GDPs. Cheezy the only roids they get is Rock n Roll baby from the stereo. They get allot of love and care..All organic no fked up chems..


Well-Known Member
hey want in on this comp.....get gotta be atleast 3-4weeks in flower tho.....fuckin thrax...we need to test those girls out for steriods....dont get eliminated.....
get into what? what's the comp? just one of my plants is pretty much done. i have two more. the sativa is going to be a while.


Active Member
How is that light working that is kinda under the plants?
I always figured that it might confuse the plant turn some leaves
upside down. Better bud production?


Well-Known Member
cheezy my neezy always wins in my book lol :mrgreen:
Thanx peace....I think were all winners here....tharx is a winner, cannabiatch is a winner, your a winner, and desert rat..... he's just a rat 4real.....thrax(I cant remember how to spell your you play warcraft or sumthing dude..??)....has a drug lab.... we could never get yield like him....I say we put up a thread at the end of september....One plant from each grower is judged on shear beauty....and people can post who they think is best.... I already have one vote from peace....haha...

and cameltoe..????? I did have a cfl in my grow room on the bottom of my plant....cause ther wasnt alot of light that reached that far down.....i dont anymore..... I didnt notice any adverse effects...ill try to check your threads if u hav some...always glad to help...

.Ill post some pics today if i can...yall....


Well-Known Member
I have a PS3 and play COD4 and Resistance!! I actually won 500.00 bucks last year playing that PS3 on its a gaming site.. I am game to be in any competition, Your right Cheezy we are all winners I have seen nothing but beautiful gardens from all!!
Going into week five Boys and girls lets make the home stretch with no problems! Good harvest!