Check out my first plant


Well-Known Member
This is my first plant. I started giving it nutes and molasses a couple of days ago. I bring it in at night and put it i a small room(6 * 5)with a fan. because it is going down to about 45 overnight. Do I need a fan t circulate the air? Do I need to bing it in a night? What do you guys think about my plant? Any suggetions? Do I need to do anything different? It has been flowerng for a few weeks now. When should I notice the buds filling out?



Well-Known Member
bringing it in at night can keep it away from unwanted pests and air flow is always good you just dont want it too be blowing directly on the plants, as it could cause the stems too stress


Well-Known Member
it is on my bacony Iam more worried about bugs. and the remp going o low.I have hot pepper and tomato plants on the other end of my balcony. My balcony is about 20' long. I