Check out my little buddy =D


Well-Known Member
Bad ass pics bro Praying mantis won't even think about attacking a human, but they will scare the shit out of you because you won't be expecting it and all of a sudden BAM there he/she is. Great a camoflauge. Oh and the female decapitates the male after sex. What a way to go.


and the headless male continues to attempt to mate with her until it dies

but yeah they are good for your garden

they chill on a leaf or stalk, camo'd pretty good

eating any and all bugs that threaten your plant


Well-Known Member
and the headless male continues to attempt to mate with her until it dies

but yeah they are good for your garden

they chill on a leaf or stalk, camo'd pretty good

eating any and all bugs that threaten your plant

Now That's a playa. LOL