Check Out My New License Plate!


Active Member
thats such a fake picture, you can tell where you whited out the real letters of your place and just put that on top, on the o on gro you can see a blue 0 or something under that white


Active Member
Last time I was at the hydro store they gave me a few General Hydro and other related hydro-oriented bumper-stickers to slap on the car... And I won't even walk around with the plastic bags they use that has their store logo on it out of paranoia - I'm sure as hell not going to advertise I'm a big hydro-growing hobbyist in this state by putting them on my car. Visiting a hydroponics store is almost de-facto evidence for getting a warrant here. I'd have a SWAT team busting down the door and shooting all the dogs in sight within 30 seconds of putting a plate like that on my car. lol

Pretty funny though.