Check out my stealth cab. any recommendations?


Active Member
really trying to get any and all suggestions so i do this right the first time... feel like im talking to myself but i appreciate those who respond...


After a trip to the store this is what im up to.

I got a peice of plexiglass to mount under the fixture so i can put the light as close to the plants as possible.

Trying to configure something with these drain grates and reducers to fit the DIY scrubber to the 120mm PC fans...



Active Member
Ive been a bit busy and havent had the proper tools to work with but i managed to get one of the doors on just now. Took me forever to get that hinge on the right way so the door would sit right... had to add some blocks on the inside so they could fasten to.

Also took me forever to get the weather stripping on as i had about 1/4'' light leak around the whole face of the door and i didnt know the best way to put it on. Im hoping i can get the next side done a little faster... I need to cut my board down an 1/8th of an inch or so but i dont have a saw.

Top picture is the whole dresser ... with right door mounted and closed so u can see no light escapes...

right picture shows door mounted with hinges



Active Member
Oh yea got my first set ofnutes today soooo i just need to get this cab finished...I think i will put my seeds to germinate today :blsmoke:



Active Member
You could but I figure i build it the way i want now so i dont have to mess with anything in that aspect later. I used a PC FAN Controller ... its hooked up in the first page you can see it. That allows me to turn my fans on and off one at a time or even adjust the fan speed.. I have 4 hooked up now and might add 2 pc fans inside to circulate air in each cab.