check out the mutant!

not really, i've had dozens of them over the past twenty years. they aren't an every day thing, but most people with experience don't freak out and think they invented the wheel when they get one. it's like a plant that buds purple. most don't, but it's not exactly rare...

there are hundreds if not thousands of posts about them right here in these forums. hundreds of thousands to millions when considering all the forums. the truth is out there.

oh, and most under-educated growers call them triploids or polyploids or polyploidy. they are none of those.
ok and
All that and not a single reference to any scientific term relating to a plant with such a structure?

At least with the term "triploid", we are able to find others with the same structure of plants, and until someone offers a scientifically accurate and correct term to assign these plants, offering nothing is hardly better than offering a searchable term to query for some kind of result. Two cents.

...does it get anymore "tri" than 3x cotyledons?

What? You need words you can't pronounce to believe me?

And NO it's not a trifoliate!

Trifoliate is when the plant throws 3 leaves per leaf stem or the leaf has a three part structure! Clover is trifoliate!

Understand that?
It's funny how you think people are claiming some invention of some wheel when in actual reality if you took two minutes to come on down and read the thread that you took time out of your day to post in you'd find we all in here were trying to identify wtf the thing was called.... not reinventing the wheel.

There's not hundreds to thousands..... and you're not the only one that's been around a few decades.

Funny, a lot of highly respected guys were referring to them as tri's and poly's long before you piped up and offered ZERO solution as to what they are called?

So your synopsis is that these are common, and you're an uneducated newb grower if a) you haven't found one yet b) don't know the proper term (do you cause you still haven't shared)

You seem smart...try contributing instead of tearing down your perceived interpretation of reinventing the wheel.

The fact is ,,, this is not as rare or "odd" a genetic fault or "mutation" as you want to believe. It also has a "formal" name for it! CAT OF got it, whorled phylotaxy......Many simply say "trileaf" and it's been left at that for years!

I never said in words here that you were ANYTHING! If your so insecure with your self that you have to insult others for your lack of Knowledge...You should seek professional help....BTW! Please list these "highly respected guys" you speak of. They're not if they think that is a poly/trip!
...out of how many? Not accounting for the undocumented threads not generated by users not caring to share their "normal" seedlings. The metrics are skewed no matter how it's viewed, but you won't find Whorled Polyanthing in chapter 1 of many cannabis books.

It's a christmas miracle, can we just have this one, please, just a little one, just a little trial -king of hearts

Aw, what the hell! Sure.....

BRAH, That's cool shit man! Can I get a cutting, Brah?
I don't support them as their goal is to supposedly help the illiterate but their phone number seemed to be mocking them, cruel company that one
are they still in business? haven't seen shit from them since the eighties...

what's the new one, the translator edition...?

rosetta stone, right?
are they still in business? haven't seen shit from them since the eighties...

what's the new one, the translator edition...?

rosetta stone, right?
Possibly, I don't really know because my tv is stuck in sap mode and all the audio is in Spanish, I don't speak it, if only there was a way I could learn in a timely and easy fashion.......oh well, guess I'll hit this dab instead