Check out this deformed plant. Kinda cool.


Active Member
I don't get how this happened. But two branches fused together and caused an issue. I grew a seed from bagseed, the plant was great, and gave one seed. I planted that seed and got this deformed beast. I have since pulled it and chucked it in the trash. But I was interesting watching it grow. I doubt I will get an exact reason for what has happened. It's clearly genetic. But any similar experiences?

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bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
pretty sweet, i had one or 2 tri-ploids i think there called, instead of 2 branches at each node there was 3. i thought it was something worth breeding in but i never got a seed.


Well-Known Member
I had one with the same deformity. Its trash. straight trash. Growth at the top was uncontrollable with nodes growing into each other. Growth completely stopped at one point and that branch never even broke through to canopy, took up too much room, and yielded almost nothing.


Active Member
Yeah I saw that in another thread a while back. I discounted it at first, then found info on other sites. Still......... I will believe this when I see it on my own plants. And honestly If I had a plant like this I would probably yank it as well. The buds on a leaf-head would not be worth harvesting and think off all the energy that the leaves are stealing. Awesome to see. Not so awesome as far as production. Same with the fused arm. I could tell it was truly stifling the other half. Crazy how plants can have genetic defects just like humans.


Well-Known Member
If you think the leaves are hairy you should see the actual buds. I doubt you would pull her if you had seen her. What can I say, I got a bitch that has hairy pits and legs!