check out what vodka makes

I'd like to know your technique as well. Someone mentioned that you may have posted it...will dig around for it. Looks awesome.
191 vodka.

freeze vodka and (broken down/ground)weed in separate containers.

place coffee filter over a container opening, to strain final liquid (have ready before next step)

QUICKLY, after frozen, quickly pour enough alcohol into jar with weed. enough liquid to submerge all weed . swirl solution around for about 30 seconds only!!!!!!!!!!!

QUICKLY filter alcohol (the highway for trichomes) by using the lid container to hold back most of the plant matter, while you strain into the jar lined with coffee filter.. (double straining effect)

yaauuppp. after youve collected final alochol , pour that onto a nice clean pyrex.

let it sit out with a dust filter ( i use screen door material) layer over pyrex, and set outside in the sunlight, with natural breeze

OR~ set in warm environment with good circulation (flower room)

right colon? :peace:

oops, just realizes, he uses a vacuum, well poop! that info is still useful..
Yep....except... my 1st soak is 10 min in the freezer (stir 2-3 times)...then through a pulp strainer into the coffee filter..... back into the freezer to drain....thats run#1

then I let the rest of the weed resoak in the feezer for 5-6 hours stirring every so often for run #2....this is what gets donated :)

Doin a run of starfighter now....runin 1/2 ozers at a time for me works around 3-4 gs.

prefreeze everything...try to keep it frosty cold ;)