Check This News About Prop 19


Well-Known Member

if you guys actually READ prop 19, you'll notice that no where in there does it say anything about legalizing it. INFACT it sets up more regulation, and it designed to put alot of money into few hands. PLUS there will be a $600 per sqft FEE for growing! THATS 15,000 a year for 5x5. And if you go over 5x5, they will fine you $1000 a day!!! They also didnt limit how much they can tax it, so when they're hurtin they'l hit US first. They want to compare it, and treat it like alcohol... IS THERE A LIMIT to how much alcohol you can buy or consume???? NO!

This is a total trojan horse people, and VOTE NO! wait till 2012, there is another intiative in the works!!!

Denis Peron (prop 215 co-creator) doesnt support 19, and for good reason!!!! read up​


Active Member
Where does it say anything about a fee per sqft of growing? In fact it does state that anyone over 21 can legally carry 28.5g. From what I gather it would only be bad for people under 21 lol. Here I copied this and I think it's a more realistic description.....

"First, Prop 19 does NOT effect medical growers. The HSCs (Health & Safetey Codes) that shelter medical users from prosecution for possession/use/growing are nowhere in the Prop 19 language. The HSCs mentioned in Prop 19 are the ones that still apply to everbody else.

Second, there's no reason to believe any city would pass a $600/sq ft tax on private grows. In fact, from my reading of it they can't, so if they try they'll probably wind up in court. Cities CAN decide whether to allow commercial cultivation and/or sales within their municipal boundaries, and they can set any taxes they want (with no limit).

For example, SF county could pass an ordinance setting a flat 5% sales tax on any commercial/wholesale sales and also a 5% tax on all retail sales. The city of San Francisco could pass similar ordinances, but add a flat $20/ounce tax. Oakland could pass an ordinance charging a flat $1,000,000 tax per gram. (Get the picture yet? They can literally charge any taxes or fees they want.) At first this sounds terrible, but think about it. If Oakland (or any other city) tried this, people would simply do business in the next city/county over where taxes are lower and the product is therefore cheaper.
Prop 19 in effect encourages competition between localities, and the one with the lowest taxes is going to make a killing. San Francisco would make $1,000,000 charging 5% faster than Oakland would make a single fee at $1M a pop.

Now, private grows... this is a murky area that I hope gets defined a little more. My reading of Prop 19 didn't indicate this was something localities could regulate. In fact, there's very little mention of private growing (probably because the people writing figure few people will grow when you can buy Marlboro Green Packs at your corner store). I know many of us here would grow anyhow, but the reality is 90% of tokers aren't inclined to garden.

All that is said about private growing is that any amount of marijuana being cultivated for personal use within a 25 sq ft area is exempt from the current statutes prohibiting cultivating/possessing. It doesn't say how tall that 25 sq ft can be, nor does it say it can't be packed with bales of finished product. (So if you do grow, you have a legally sheltered storage spot for anything above the 28.5 gram personal possession limit.)"


I live in the bay area California and it seems to me that most people are for prop 19, except for the med growers and also the illegal dealers and growers, they don't want it, I guess they think it will hurt their business. The med shops are also against it.


New Member
if you guys actually READ prop 19, you'll notice that no where in there does it say anything about legalizing it. INFACT it sets up more regulation, and it designed to put alot of money into few hands. PLUS there will be a $600 per sqft FEE for growing! THATS 15,000 a year for 5x5. And if you go over 5x5, they will fine you $1000 a day!!! They also didnt limit how much they can tax it, so when they're hurtin they'l hit US first. They want to compare it, and treat it like alcohol... IS THERE A LIMIT to how much alcohol you can buy or consume???? NO!

This is a total trojan horse people, and VOTE NO! wait till 2012, there is another intiative in the works!!!

Denis Peron (prop 215 co-creator) doesnt support 19, and for good reason!!!! read up​
lies^^^^ bring eveidence to the table before bringing false facts to the table. it basically takes the medical merijuana laws and applys them to the every day user. here in cali you can grow up to 13 plants(something like that) and carry up to like a half pound or a qp. idk i think that is to much weed to have in your trunk at one time.


Well-Known Member
lies^^^^ bring eveidence to the table before bringing false facts to the table. it basically takes the medical merijuana laws and applys them to the every day user. here in cali you can grow up to 13 plants(something like that) and carry up to like a half pound or a qp. idk i think that is to much weed to have in your trunk at one time.
you call "lies" and ask for "evidence", then try to pass on some nonsense that you admit you don't even know.

oh the irony. :)

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
And so comes the cry for common sense and clarity. Careful, you'll have a bloody philosopher's strike on your hands. What they require (and enjoy) is the complete absence of facts. A heck of a way to run a grass roots movement eh? (pun intended)


Active Member
im pretty sure that even though the word "legalization" doesnt appear

its still fucking legalization

way to split hairs and argue over nothing


Active Member
Where does it say anything about a fee per sqft of growing? In fact it does state that anyone over 21 can legally carry 28.5g. From what I gather it would only be bad for people under 21 lol. Here I copied this and I think it's a more realistic description.....

"First, Prop 19 does NOT effect medical growers. The HSCs (Health & Safetey Codes) that shelter medical users from prosecution for possession/use/growing are nowhere in the Prop 19 language. The HSCs mentioned in Prop 19 are the ones that still apply to everbody else.

Second, there's no reason to believe any city would pass a $600/sq ft tax on private grows. In fact, from my reading of it they can't, so if they try they'll probably wind up in court. Cities CAN decide whether to allow commercial cultivation and/or sales within their municipal boundaries, and they can set any taxes they want (with no limit).

For example, SF county could pass an ordinance setting a flat 5% sales tax on any commercial/wholesale sales and also a 5% tax on all retail sales. The city of San Francisco could pass similar ordinances, but add a flat $20/ounce tax. Oakland could pass an ordinance charging a flat $1,000,000 tax per gram. (Get the picture yet? They can literally charge any taxes or fees they want.) At first this sounds terrible, but think about it. If Oakland (or any other city) tried this, people would simply do business in the next city/county over where taxes are lower and the product is therefore cheaper.
Prop 19 in effect encourages competition between localities, and the one with the lowest taxes is going to make a killing. San Francisco would make $1,000,000 charging 5% faster than Oakland would make a single fee at $1M a pop.

Now, private grows... this is a murky area that I hope gets defined a little more. My reading of Prop 19 didn't indicate this was something localities could regulate. In fact, there's very little mention of private growing (probably because the people writing figure few people will grow when you can buy Marlboro Green Packs at your corner store). I know many of us here would grow anyhow, but the reality is 90% of tokers aren't inclined to garden.

All that is said about private growing is that any amount of marijuana being cultivated for personal use within a 25 sq ft area is exempt from the current statutes prohibiting cultivating/possessing. It doesn't say how tall that 25 sq ft can be, nor does it say it can't be packed with bales of finished product. (So if you do grow, you have a legally sheltered storage spot for anything above the 28.5 gram personal possession limit.)"
I started typing a post then noticed i missed this one. This is basically all there is to it. Lets stop all of the lies and misinformation about proposition 19. It doesnt matter anyway even if we pass prop 19 it will probally get shot down by the courts and we will need to write a new initiative anyway. Lets all vote yes on 19 so we can officailly tell the state government with our votes that we want this and then the kinks will get worked out later on. The first initiative is never the final one. Prop 19 covers the basics, it will be revised, but only if we all vote yes. Voting non will only inhibit the movement. If you arent voting yes on prop 19 than your simply not down with the cause. And lets face it this is a simple human rights issue. I want to use marijuana it doesnt harm anyone else therefeore i have the right to. Period. Lets take this to the supreme court and mabye theyll view it as pursuit of happiness. Sound alot like prop 8? Did prop 8 pass? Yes it did. Then it went to courts and people got rational and shot it down. Prop 19 will go to courts people will get rational and support it. VOTE YES.


Well-Known Member
just read Prop 19 in it's entirety.

i did not find specific text outlying a 600 per square foot tax. that much is a LIE.

it said that 25 square feet was the space limitation.

the law allows for the possesion, legal sale, consumption of weed. it also says it can be legal to have coffee shops where patrons smoke on-site. it's at the discretion of local governances.

you can't smoke in public places like sidewalks, but in private establishments open to the public with permission to allow smoking weed you can smoke away. and you can't walk around with a 6" bud in your hand waving it around.

the health department can intervene if a grow is somehow affecting public health: if you waste your fertilizer in a playground for example.
the health department can also look at establishments to ensure hygiene.

it gives a lot of leeway for taxing. it's not specific but gives local governments the power to exert taxes on transactions involving weed. it doesn't specifically prohibit a 600 dollar per square foot tax, but it's not included.

what else... oh, if you buy weed illegally you can be arrested and other trouble. if you sell/give weed to a minor you get in trouble. it varies with age, 18-21 it's up to 6 months. someone younger you're fucked. take weed to a school, you're in deep shit too.

as far as all the bruhaha about fucking over the small grower and imposing 20k per year taxes < NOPE.


Active Member

If you vote no you have issues and should rethink your priorities.. Find a new way to make illegal cash! :peace: