Checking Plants

How often do you guys check your plants. I feel like I always want to go see them every few hours, but then I think I get into overanalyzation.


Well-Known Member
I check my plants often... probably 4-5 times a day... I love looking at them.... even if it just means sticking my head in for a few seconds to admire my ladies


Active Member
I don't get to check mine nearly as much as I'd like to, most of the time, but I make it in there at least two or three times a day, every day. I'm always scared something is going to fall over or the water pumps will quit working or the timers malfunction or a bulb go out in one of the lights, etc. I also like to think that they like my visits, and not just for the added CO2 I give them with my breath. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
my plants are like my own kids. i check on them all the time, take pictures, i even give them a bedtime story


Active Member
I spend about half my day in my grow room on some days. On slow days with no watering or anything going on I still hang out in there and clean or do something for a couple hrs a day.


Active Member
every day i look forward to the light coming on so i can get looking at them even though iv checked them the day before.the highlite of my day definatly.:bigjoint:


Active Member
You know, they also give off a fair amount of pure oxygen, so I've always thought that was part of the reason I'm so happy when I'm in there with them. They suck up the CO2 I exhale and I suck up the oxygen they exhale. It's a great symbiotic relationship we have. Oh, and they create big, tasty nuggets of goodness for me to smoke. :bigjoint: