Checking the PH twice a day, or once a day?


Would it help keep the PH at a regular level if checked and adjusted twice a day?

Or should it only be checked and PH solution added once a day to fix the levels?


Well-Known Member
I check daily although i rarely if ever have to adjust. As long as the PH stays within say 5.8 - 6.5 then alls good. You should let the PH swing between these levels rather than keep adjusting it to keep at at one particular level.


Well my friend just changed out his reservoir from when he was using vinegar, lemon juice and baking soda to adjust the PH.

Before he changed the reservoir today the PH was going up every few hours between 6.5-8 even after he got real PH down.

Hopefully now that he has real PH down it will stay within 5.5-6 and not spike so extremely.

Thanks for the replies!

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
We strive for improvement not prefection.

If you are having wild swings in your Ph there is something else wrong.

Don't get hung up on maintaining an exact #, you want some fluctuation within the range, look at what Ph your nutes get absorbed (and locked out for that mater).

Constantly adjusting your Ph stress out you and your plant.

I Ph when I add to or change the rez, other than that i don't adjust.