Cheese 2 x 600w

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
It should be fine ,the temps by me have dropped to i might have to add heating for when lights are off now.. Andy do you train your plants? keep them level.. you can pinch/squeeze/bend some of those stems that shoot up to high .. helps get more better buds and keep height down ... rotate your pics before you upload if you can mate ..necks twisted trying to see this.. most phones and windows photo gallery does it real simple.
How high is your light from the top of your plants?
Plants are looking good btw..


Well-Known Member
The lights are 20" from the tallest 1s
The photos are fine on my phone they just seem to rotate when I put them on here for some reason


Well-Known Member
20131129_223245.jpg20131129_223232.jpgthink these might have stretched abit the light was at 20" but lowered it to 18" do you think they will still produce decent colars or pop corn buds

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
not sure what you mean andy..18-20" should be o.k .. i check the height then put my hand at the top of the plants an if your hand gets too hot then raise it up abit.

Are those the tops in the picture ? I'd expect a little stretch at the stage your at with the cheese. That is one of the reasons i squeeze my tops so the lower branches get to shoot up to almost level with the tops .LST or super cropping, theres a few thread on here about it. You can check some of my threads out if you want as theres loads of pics in there of what im taking about. Another thing some cheese don't put out big colas ,it depends which cut you got but i don't think you'll have popcorn buds at your tops unless something goes wrong.


Well-Known Member
Yeah there the colas
There coming along theyve got 3weeks left on sunday il put more pics up later
I was thinking of trying lollipoping the next 1s but will look into lst they look good
Has any 1 used canna boost as ive just ran out and dont know weather to buy another bottle for the final 2weeks before I flush

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Looking alright there andy..i have'nt used canna boost but i would replace a booster if it ran out at your stage.. You could finish with what you have as your base should have most of what your plants need to finish up..


Well-Known Member
Dnt know why the photos are rotated
And have no idea why ive got so many variations in plant height to bud size they have been rotated every few weeks get fed the same ive no idea lokking good tho cant wait 2and a half weeks till the chop
What you guys think

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
looking good andy.. The stretch could be the light postion aswell as the fact that these could be cuts off different plants (unless you took them yourself) .


Well-Known Member
Didn't take the cuttings myself will be getting seeds for my next one so I know for sure
Started the flush today with 8days to go was hoping to get 0.5grams per watt so with 2x 600w I was hoping to get
600 ish grams not sure if il hit that because of the few heat problems and the messing about with having 1 light then 2 then back to 1 then back to 2 when I finally managed to sort the heat out but it's not looking too bad


Well-Known Member
Got home to find that both timers had broke the lights were still on for an extra 6hrs and they hadn't been fed any 1 else had any problems with timers
how will this effect my girls
the fan leaves on some of the plants have gone yellow an died some are half yellow half green
gutted man