Sorry to hear about the mites akak the borg trying to take over in there.... I have been reading up about a very effective & safe product that is getting good reviews on uk420... It's a for killing mites in pigeons, lmao!
But the active ingredient dissipates in 1 week, so no nasty chems being inhaled when blazing your buds....
It goes by the name 'Harka Mectin' and can be found online. Here is a thread that details the required dosage, how to apply and the finer points about the active ingredient:
Read it from page 1 as it goes into what nast chems u don't wanna be using in bloom... alot of this shit take 11+ weeks for the plant to get rid of it.... and I ain't sure if a dead plant can get rid of nasty chems so watch what ur spraying on them man!!!