Personally i dont do any pruning once flower has started, but if your less than 3wks into 12/12 you can do it without too much slowed growth. Im getting ready to start some big buddha cheese, cheesus and blue cheese...and Im thinking of doing a few outdoor BB cheese. I had a friend grow some huge outdoor cheese last year, I know he was getting over 4lbs per plant and claimed to have gotten even more but he tends to exaggerate, regardless I saw the plants 10-12ft tall, never trimmed anything, not even clones...hes old school and doesnt believe in any stress to his plants...wouldnt even let me take a few cuttings. Anyways glad to see your journal, ever sinced I tried cheese Ive been feening for that old school flavor...great journal, keep up the good more dumb question, how do I subscribe to a journal??? Thanks