cheesus: 1st grow help please!!


Active Member
hi, basically im just growin 2 plants for my first time in a wardrobe roughly this size:

i am growing them under a 400w hps light and the rest of the kit from this site:

... but with upgraded nutrients.

if i were to raise the light as high as possible could i use a 400w hps without over stretching the plant??

im on day 2 of the germination but as soon as i put them in pots ill start a weekly photo journal. im sure im going to need a experts help throughout this grow so help would be much appreciated, was going to call them mary and jane but ill name one after you if you help me lol



Active Member
when i mean raise the light i mean for the seedling stage, sorrrrrrrry peeps
well is all depends do u want to the plants to be tall or short or in between 400 shoulds be alright wat strain do u have ? id put them 15cm above the seedlings and gradually move up from there oh btw nice closet pick there but id cover those glass window things with somhting white like paper


Well-Known Member
when i mean raise the light i mean for the seedling stage, sorrrrrrrry peeps
Well, that's exactly what causes them to stretch, because of the light intensity you can't put it close enough to a young seedling to keep it from stretching, without burning it. Better to get a CFL or two, or even a fluorescent tube, to start them off with. (Around $10 either way).:leaf:


Active Member
cheers for the reply guys : ). yea im growin cheesus was supposed to be chiesel but someone took them so got left with the cheesus, should be good though because you get a big yield at the end ; ). i would prefer it to be just a normal size to be fair, would it be alright to just use a hps all the way through but just have it really high for the seedlings and also as its a 400w hps should i defo put a fan in there because its bound to get hot or jus cut a small hole at the top. soz greenseedbay i should have been clearer the cupboad is roughly that size but all wooden, and covered from head to toe in mylar. ill put some pics up of it all later or upload a video to youtube and post a link on here when i fix my laptop which should be later today ( im in london) lol.

cheers again