Cheetah is back

Fucking 2020... I broke my both arms in march, still not like before, but getting in there
Luckily I didn't break anything however tearing your hip flexia muscle makes you feel like a knife is stabbing you. I always turn down pain killers too. Was laying in bed for a week literally.
Luckily I didn't break anything however tearing your hip flexia muscle makes you feel like a knife is stabbing you. I always turn down pain killers too. Was laying in bed for a week literally.
human body can be very fragile i guess. hopefully you'll have a speedy recovery man
human body can be very fragile i guess. hopefully you'll have a speedy recovery man
Oh I'm pretty good actually now. Kind of milking it because literally got all my back owed unemployment right before it happened. Barely go out though so not blowing tons if money.
hi guys n gals, hope you're all fine!
weather's been absolute shite for the last... i dunno, maybe 4 weeks. super humid, no sunshine what so ever, raining 5 times a day... guess i will end up with some fluffy ass buds after all. trichs are all cloudy now, still no sigh of amber. white hairs shooting very rarely here n there, and judging by the color of the leaves looks like there will be like two more weeks to go
I think you may need even more than two big deal if a few leaves turn yellow, just keep on letting them mature

they may be growing slow but they still look quite healthy so no worries, your chop day will eventually come
yeah bwoy :D its a race weekend btw, hopefully Hamilton will show them how it should be done this time, hes complaining from the car after today's free practice
and so i found one of the bb buds to have bud rot ffs. chopped it, and removed the damaged part. i got to say that, its dense as fuck!!! im just so worried for the humidity and the rain here, aint good for outdoor for sure.