Cheetah is back

just a note when i used insecticide remember to rinse a couple weeks prior to harvest aka use a sprayer and fresh water, do it early morning so they dry off prior to full sun exposure, spray clean water every other day till harvest so you rinse it off the buds
Thanks, yeah I was planing to do that definitely, and I'll keep a close eye, so if shit hits the fan again, I'll spray immediately, I'll probably do another treatment end of the week, but not as extreme as the first one hopefully. Thanks for checking :hump::peace:
ps: plus its raining almost every day ffs lol
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Good jounal man..plants look substitute for the sun aye...
Only thing ive found in the past to half ass battle gnats were gnat traps...yellow cylinder sticky tubes i laid on the soil...they swarmed to them...and Neem oil
I put fans on mine from birth as well...always have...ive always used molasses too...unsulphured...excited to see how they finish
Good jounal man..plants look substitute for the sun aye...
Only thing ive found in the past to half ass battle gnats were gnat traps...yellow cylinder sticky tubes i laid on the soil...they swarmed to them...and Neem oil
I put fans on mine from birth as well...always have...ive always used molasses too...unsulphured...excited to see how they finish
thanks for checking my man! neem is not an option now, can be toxic i believe. i've used some insecticide, pyrethrum, it wasnt only gnats, got 3-4 other fuckers as well lol
thanks for checking my man! neem is not an option now, can be toxic i believe. i've used some insecticide, pyrethrum, it wasnt only gnats, got 3-4 other fuckers as well lol
Yeah the Neem oil didnt seem to do much...its on the shelf...had more success with traps...havent had gnats in a long time since I switched soils...seems like any time i used a "name brand" soil it came with gnats...using a no name soil from local Greenhouse and haven't seen gnats since...
Theyre annoying af thats for sure>:(
Yeah the Neem oil didnt seem to do much...its on the shelf...had more success with traps...havent had gnats in a long time since I switched soils...seems like any time i used a "name brand" soil it came with gnats...using a no name soil from local Greenhouse and haven't seen gnats since...
Theyre annoying af thats for sure>:(
gnats were my least problem man, had fucking leaf miners and shit, mites, aphids, moths, bloody Hitchcock movie mate
OK, so here is the story. I've decided to try and grow autos for the first time, got some seeds and got them in the dirt. I've putted one GHS Auto bomb, (shortly AB) and one Blueberry x somango(BB) which was a free seed, breed:unknown. Anyway, on the third day the AB broke the surface and on the next day the BB followed. Since the day they poped out i keep them under 2x55 CFLs 6500K 4500 Lumens 24/0. First two - three waterings i used only still water, nothing extreme, just on one of the waterings ive mixed the water with some mycorrhizal fungi. After the ladies came out i immediately realized my first mistake, and that was the autos should be grown in their final pot coz they dont need to be stressed considering their short life. Anyway on day four for the AB (day 3 for the BB) ive decided to put them in their final pots. Got them in Canna terra soil mix with some additional perlite added. I've also putted some more fungs and my special rusty piece of metal shit in the pots. AB is in 15L and bb in 12L. I've watered with about 3 liters of water each plant,also added Miracle grow 7-3-5 half strenght fertilizer(my GHE 3 step ferts are still somewhere, waiting on amazon).
Autos are fun and you can get some impressive yields off a lot of them. Some go over 500g per square meter. A 2x2 grow tent is about 1/3 square meter, give or take. Anxious to see how you like them.
Autos are fun and you can get some impressive yields off a lot of them. Some go over 500g per square meter. A 2x2 grow tent is about 1/3 square meter, give or take. Anxious to see how you like them.
Yeah man, thanks for checking! Really hope for decent yield and most important - good smoke as well.
Yeah the Neem oil didnt seem to do much...its on the shelf...had more success with traps...havent had gnats in a long time since I switched soils...seems like any time i used a "name brand" soil it came with gnats...using a no name soil from local Greenhouse and haven't seen gnats since...
Theyre annoying af thats for sure>:(
I once opened a brand now bag of soil and a fucking gnat flew out.....I was not impressed

anyhow, sounds like you got a handle of them fuck-off critters...hang in there mate