Cheetah is back

If you are worried about pests some people make a netted area to keep bugs away, and you can buy beneficial predatory insects and do other things instead of using insect sprays later. Outdoors where I live I always get issues with bud worms later season
im moving the plants in the garden to get more direct sunlight, net is not an option i guess. and fuck, hopefully i wont have worms as well :D
These are looking great. It's making me wish I started mine inside for a couple weeks before bringing them out. I germed my autos outside I have a feeling they wont progress like yours has. Well done so far
thanks buddy! yeah, guess the start was massive, i was also doing combos with sun and lights 24/0 as you might have seen in the journal. But you never know, yours might go nuts at some point, guess it depends on shit loads of things, including pheno, climate blah blah. its my first time with autos, so im quite nicely surprised how they turn up. hopefully they will fatten up them flowers as well, after all, thats what it counts init :D have you got a journal? give me a link to see what you've got. good luck
thanks buddy! yeah, guess the start was massive, i was also doing combos with sun and lights 24/0 as you might have seen in the journal. But you never know, yours might go nuts at some point, guess it depends on shit loads of things, including pheno, climate blah blah. its my first time with autos, so im quite nicely surprised how they turn up. hopefully they will fatten up them flowers as well, after all, thats what it counts init :D have you got a journal? give me a link to see what you've got. good luck
Youre inspiring me to start one.
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Just moved a few outside myself. i'm sure you'll see them when you stop by the page. But they're pretty big too. Hoping to pull some good yield on them. Keep up the great work homie

Cheers ~BuddyJesus~
@CherryLola forecast is not that good for the next week or so, dramatic changes, 10C drop today maybe, clouds everywhere. hows up north
Yeah I know man I kinda regret putting them little baby’s in on Tuesday now, didn’t even check the weather coz it had been so nice lol, wasn’t expecting to turn so quickly, we went down to 4c last night so I’m expecting a few to have died or at least stunted, almost ground frost lol. Hopefully picks up again in few days. You just gonna leave them out?
Yeah I know man I kinda regret putting them little baby’s in on Tuesday now, didn’t even check the weather coz it had been so nice lol, wasn’t expecting to turn so quickly, we went down to 4c last night so I’m expecting a few to have died or at least stunted, almost ground frost lol. Hopefully picks up again in few days. You just gonna leave them out?
ouch, 4C isnt good at all. and yeah, ill leave them man, if it doesnt go below 10C ill sleep fine lol cant bring them in, they stink
good night to the ladies :D hopefully the low temps will tell the plants its now or never to produce trichs for the master lol didnt watered for about 3-4 days, pots still feel moist, plus its drizzlin every now and then the last two days. weed always likes some rain in my experience. tommorow i plan to feed them no mater what, even with half the amount of the usual. last time i gave only water to both plants, coz i noticed the runoff ph was quite low. im going to stick with the feed, feed, water from now on. heres a few pics, i know they are crappy, better update sat on sunday in daylight.
Question: does anyone think its good idea to clip a few of the big ass fan leaves? i think not, coz they are outdoor anyway, so the sunlight( if theres no clouds) has very good penetration. ive never been a huge fan of massive defoliation, got rid of some leaves sometimes, but not huge ammount.
ok, UPDATE: Auto bomb 38 days, BB x Somango 37
clouds and low temps the last 4 days, with occasional showers every now and then, ive got them inside for the night... also fed the ladies last evening as promised, no mater the rain, the pots were dry enough, so i gave to the AB 2l of solution containing 0.7ml/l GHE Grow, 1.4ml/l micro, 2.1ml/l Bloom, 1 tea spoon molasses/2l and 2ml/l of biobizz alg-a-mic. I gave the same thing to the BB, only that it was 1.5l instead. I've treated the plants with Canna Cure as well, against mites n shit, it appears that it also contains Magnesium, iron, manganese, at least on the label :mrgreen: IMG_20200606_135133[1].jpgIMG_20200606_135102[1].jpgIMG_20200606_135037[1].jpgIMG_20200606_135053[1].jpgIMG_20200606_135120[1].jpg