Cheetahs Real Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
Hiya Cheet...long Plants looking nice I see, how's you been doin?

Here's some pic updates...there a few days old, but i'll get some new pics tomorrow or the next day. The tripod bud...or i call it, will be cut down next few days or so. The other's are doing great...and OMFG they stink, a good stink, but STINK...can't wait till there done, but not for a abother 4 weeks probably. I'm official giving up on growing where I am at since latley there have been alot of cops around since there's a known crack dealer just down the street from me, so my nerves have been shot, and the cops have been to my house because of my next door neighbours fighting and such, so too much is happening and i've gotta stop before i get caught. I have givin all my clones to friends and my big mothers i have also givin away as well, except the mother to which the 2 stinky plants came from...i'm trying to find her a good home. Enjoy the pics, I won't be on here as much after this grow...but i'll still check in from time to time to say hi to ya'll, and give my advice for those in trouble.



Well-Known Member
LMAO i like ur pic update :cuss: hehehehehh . now seriously! take care man! I dun want u to be busted because of some stupid mistake or sumfin! fuken cops.... :cuss:


Well-Known Member
Ya scary times. Wish i could keep up the grows, good friend common sense says to quit while i'm ahead...hopefully!!

Like I said i'm looking for a home for the mother, and I hope to find someone that will take good of care of her, and keep me in supply for giving them a wonderful plant, i'm sure she's a winner.


Well-Known Member
seems like the right choice right now, homegrownboy!! maybe nothing will happen, but we don't have to push our luck!



Well-Known Member

Today, I am going to transplant, switch my cab from vegging to flowering :) after I finish some of this bluecheese bongsmilie

mr west

Well-Known Member
lol at G, they are wierd lol but it makes life intresting lol. Big up the junglist massive in da HOUSE LOL