Cheetahs Real Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
Hey's cow town?, i'm not too far from Calgary.
... don't want to hijack this thread, but, Calagary is OK. Only been here 7 months now, still getting used to it. Sort of like Vancouver in the early seventies. I'm from the Lower Mainland in BC, born n bred there. Tons of work in Calgary though, lots of people from other parts of Cannabisda here for that reason. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member

... don't want to hijack this thread, but, Calagary is OK. Only been here 7 months now, still getting used to it. Sort of like Vancouver in the early seventies. I'm from the Lower Mainland in BC, born n bred there. Tons of work in Calgary though, lots of people from other parts of Cannabisda here for that reason. bongsmilie
So what your telling me is i should become a resident in Canada:-P
cause the U.S.A is fukked:wall:


Well-Known Member

... don't want to hijack this thread, but, Calagary is OK. Only been here 7 months now, still getting used to it. Sort of like Vancouver in the early seventies. I'm from the Lower Mainland in BC, born n bred there. Tons of work in Calgary though, lots of people from other parts of Cannabisda here for that reason. bongsmilie

Shit that's too funny...I'm also from van...north van actually. I HATE Calgary, too much for me, lived in Strathmore a fw years back, if you know where that is.


Well-Known Member
Shit that's too funny...I'm also from van...north van actually. I HATE Calgary, too much for me, lived in Strathmore a few years back, if you know where that is.
yea, know where it is ;-)

... .. N Van is beautiful. I used to hike up behind Deep Cove all the time. Played at the CoachHouse a few times when I was playing music Professionally in the late seventies. I spent most my years in Coquitlam, but have lived in every municipality in the Lower Mainland. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Ahh the memories...Deep Cove I went to alot when i was a mom dated one of the fishermen from there...he lived there many years in one of the apartments i think...and his parents owned a house just up the cove aways...sure miss that guy. I also miss the hikes up in Lynn Valley up the trails and the suspension bridge. Ever Heard of the small band Incognito?...a jazzy like blues band?


Well-Known Member
sorry Cheetah

Ever Heard of the small band Incognito?...a jazzy like blues band?
... oh ya, but not sure of details. Isn't that the band with Sherman Doucette the singer harp player? He auditioned for us in '77 but we got the impression he wasn't all together there, so he didn't make it as our singer, plus our sound was more funk - jazz than what he was capable at the time. A fellow from London, Ontario got the job, Jerry Boch, great singer, great trumpet player. We had three other horn players so he fit in real well with the material we were doing at the time.

Sherman is an awesome harp player :hump: ... bongsmilie