Cheetahs Real Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
. . . . its kinda ridicu==spl,s. lol I wouldnt have it anyother way sept maybe more smoke and less down time lol.
I'm a terrible speller Mr West. I keep a dictionary window open all the time cause I need it. I'm not a smart Canuck, hehehe

Online Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus. Free access.

alt + tab to switch windows, alt + esc to cycle through windows . . . . of course you probably know this already



mr west

Well-Known Member
pedantic to me means splitting hairs, and yes i did copy paste pedantic cuz im lazy lol now im writin in nice bold blue writin lol.


Well-Known Member
that looks dank my friend !!!!!!


;) Great buds dude, i am sure they will please you ;) HAHA ! GREAT GROW MAN GREAT GROW !!

I cant rep you.. but i would !


Well-Known Member
looking good so far dude, Shame ur not closer cuz i got too many clones and seedlings, I could do with someone taking a few off my hands. 400w hps should be ok if its far from the balast temp wise. Good luck with ya seedling dude may the fem fairy be on ur side.
pass them here.


Well-Known Member
Yo Cheet !

Soz to put a comment like this to your thread, but what would you recommend as a short bushy good smoke producing indica strain ?bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie>>>>>pass