cheisel - big budda cheese x n.y.c diesel first time grow


that looks like some very nicely grown chronic! nice buds man, i wish u lived local and sold! all your bud looks lovely! youve inspired me to grow pineapple chunk for my next grow. im gna do 10-20 plants.


Well-Known Member
Thanks again Peng, I'd like to see that 10-20 Plant Grow! Ye the Chronic has come good man, looks like its going to hit like a MotherFucker! Going to bring the Plant down in few day's. Ive got one I grew for a month first and its been in flower for a month, Its a Monster Mate! Will be putting my weekly update Pic's of my Chiesel up tomorow!


Image037.jpgImage034.jpgImage033.jpg hi peeps, i know i know shit pics still! i still have problem with my camera software! I think im gonna have to buy a new one! anyway heres my bitch after 2 weeks of flowering.


Well-Known Member
Alright Peng, That Plant still looks nice and Healthy mate! So Have you got them indoors yet, and under lights? If so what you using?, Just if you want a nice crop you will have to add some more from now, more the better! I chopped that Chronic down, good timing too as im running low on Piny's! I will update my Chiesel soon ok!


ok mate indoors with cfl 125 blue and 125 red and outside when its nice! im gna try and get another 125w red to finish!


Well-Known Member
Never tried the cfl's, but seen some good results from people using them, and nothing beats the natural Sun when you can get it! Going to get my Pic's done to update my Chiesel grow soon, been busy trimming this Chronic!..


Image033.jpgImage027.jpgImage022.jpg Hi everyone this is my chiesel at the start of week 5 flowering. Iv got 5 more weeks to go already she stinks! there is already quite alot of trichomes arount the bud sites, shes on biobizz and gna now use pk 13/14 to pack some weight on for the next 3 weeks then flush for 2 weeks! hope everyone's grows are going well, peace


Well-Known Member
How you doin mate! Good to see your still going and even better to see the new Pic's. Looks realy good mate, nice tight structure, that should all fill in nicely into big cola's. Remember to let it go 9 week's if she need's to! I used to make the mistake of bringing plants down too early and when you leave it that extra week there's alot of changes you dont want to miss out on! Some people say, "when you think its ready, give it another two week's!"


thanks mate i was gna let it go 9 or 10 weeks! cant bloody wait! hows your chiesels going? when you gna do new pics?


Well-Known Member
I've got the Pic's took, just cant find the lead to hook it up, Will have them done and uploaded with a report by tonight mate. What smoke is going around you'r area? Hard to get a decent bit now-a-day's!


Image022.jpgImage024.jpghi everyone, time for this weeks update! still no decent pics as saving money for my next project but my friends gonna lend me a camera before i harvest so their will be decent pics! I think she will be ready in 3 to four weeks, im gonna flush for 2! Also iv just started a blue cheese bag seed just for fun and it sprouted so i will be posting pics of that over the next couple of days. Peace


Well-Known Member
Still looking fine mate! Hope you'r BC bagseed comes good for you too! Ive got my Pineapple ready in 2 weeks, my Chronic the week after that then a SSilverHaze the week after that! But as it stands i've got enough for about 2 j's! So my dilema is whether to buy some damp schwag from street or take an early branch from bottom of the Pine and fast dry it over nyt? I've had to do it before and its way better than the crap i would be buying! Wot you think??


wont that stress the plant? you know more than me! lol, i love ssilver mmmmmmm. you are lucky!!!!!! im just about to get some g-13 its really nice!


then i know what im fucking doing next week lol, my mate took some early and it didnt taste very nice but im not sure if thats because it wasnt dried properly or because it wasnt ready????????