chek out my gr0w setup(2 1/2 week old plants


New Member
update time ;)

the big girl (i hope) shes like 4 weeks

this is some seed a kid gave me in school he said its called morning glorry but idk i think he was bs maybe but it dose look a bit different from the other plants this is like 2 weeks

and all 3 of them

i dont have much time left im moving in 1 month u guys think is it ok if i put the light 12/12 right now?


Well-Known Member
I have been told that when you plant from seed you need to wait 6 weeks for them to be mature before flowering. Clones can go into flowering soon after roots are established. at least thats what I have been reading on here..........good luck


Well-Known Member
if you only have a month to go, you might as well abort now. or better yet you could find someone kind enough to take them off your hands and finish up for you as long as you get some


Well-Known Member
yep. take care first of environment ! you dont want bugs, spiders, or some shit.

with just a few CFL you wont be able to flower a plant over 3 weeks old. Or you add some more lights, or you pass to 12/12.


New Member
1) first thing i set up a new set up
2) il probebly end up taking the plants to my new house
3) or plan b is keeping it in this basment till they grow out fully im just gonna keep coming hear evryday kinda far also ;(

my new set up

im not done with the set up im gonna put white paper around the whol thing on the inside and cover up that back hole with wood probebly i didnt have enuf time to finish it

and the big girl looks good i like those white looking leav on top of it



Active Member
ok, your not going to be able to finish your flowering in 1 month... 6-8 weeks minimum... 8-12 max.
The nutrients are not very efficient... Miracle grow isnt that great, but works. They look great so good job bro. I personally use a 150 watt CFL with sun systems reflector, until flowering where i got a switchable mh/hps and obviosuly i use the the HPS... It is a Lumatek bulb... This is in a cabinet that is about 2.5'x1.5'x4' tall. pretty good light penetration with 55,000 lumens for a small aquare are like that.

Bottom line is.. dont take peoples comments to heart because a lot of what people say is false information. I have personally read the Marijuana Grow Bible, plus hours and hours of research.

Just go research from a respective authentic site and go buy some books. Its far easier and way more efficient than taking peoples word for it. What kinda of seeds are you using? IS it just bagseed? Because theres lots of phenotypes out there that may not have been seen. Every plant is different. I only source information I have learned from a combination of experience and reliable sources.

Look up some stealth cabinet grows! The sky is the limit!!!


Well-Known Member
invest in a nice digital 600w hps with conversion bulb MH
18-6 with the MH
at 12-15 inches 12 on 12 off with the hps

saw u had 3 plants, hope there clones or else u could wind up with no plants in the near future!


New Member
o well thx for t he advice guys can u post a link to a site where i can buy a mh/hps bulb 2 in1 but i dont need 400 wats (im moving and im planning to grow in my new room i only want like 250 wats thats enuf for the cabinet that size right? o ye i got these from bag seeds. but the small plant i kid gave me some seeds (5 of them) he said its morning glory but i think he was lieng idk. but then like an idiot i whent planted 4 seeds out side lol (obviosly died to cold still) andthis was my last seed just hope thats not a mail

anyway hears some more pics ;) il probebly wait till these plants r 6 weeks then start budding



New Member
my cfl are about 32 wats some shit like that those where the biggest wats i seen in the store

i barley wasted any money on this lol i stole all the supplyse from the store and some electrical shit from my electrical school


Well-Known Member
i barley wasted any money on this lol i stole all the supplyse from the store and some electrical shit from my electrical school

yeah dude! this is exactly how I got my 30 CFl's. hahaha. i didnt pay for any of them.

god job !!! :lol:


New Member
i was thinking about taking one of these from school. make my set up look more professinell. insted of my cheap plastic looking 1 lol

just a thought :P what u guys think?



New Member
up date time they are 1 day into flowering ;)

this 1 is getting the most fan breez (thats y its leavs are so nice and big) little things left out make a big difference lol

reply back plz ;P


New Member
i think they need nitrogen though right? i havent been giving nuts latly just some cheap 1 bloom burst or somthing i posted a pic of it earlyer


Well-Known Member
Looking good. Nice healthy plants bro! They'll be even more happy when you get them under
a 400w HPS.

For now I would use more CFLs, and what are those other big lamps? And you might want to go
to Home Depot and get some perlite for your soil next time. It'll drain better and your plants will thank you.

Edit: even wal-mart carries small bags of perlite, near the pet section I think.