chem dog help


Active Member
is there a soil that chem dog goes good with that i can pick up at a hydroponics store ?

what nutrients should i use and at what point..

its about 6" tall with plenty of roots. first night in some soil ANCIENT FOREST ALASKA HUMUS SOIL 100% organic mixed with some other bag that i tossed so i dont have the exact name but i was told to mix it with the Alaska by the hydro store clerk... the other bag was dry, light brown, and light weight..


Active Member
also any background on the plants characteristics would be nice (tall or short? good training methods that go good with the plant). .. THANKS


Well-Known Member
get some pro mix or sunshine #4 .....she likes to stretch in flower....i grow mine elnatural:lol:

heres my chemdog 4



bud bootlegger
you can use any soil that you like.. i personally like fox farms ocean forest.. good stuff..
as for the chem dawg, being mostly indica, it will want to stay on the shorter side.. it takes well to lst and topping..
as for nutes, you can always pick up the fox farm trio for around $50 or so from online or your local hydro store...

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Chem Dog will do good in All of the soils. It all depends on who is growing it. Some people can grow dank ass buds with Miracle grow soils. I for one think they named it Miracle grow because it is a miracle when anything grows in it. So your question is like asking someone what is the best car out there. You are going to get uncountable answers. Myself, I do not like any of the soils. I have much better luck with Coco coir as a medium and find it much easier. But that is just one more opinion to add to the countless ones to follow.


Active Member
get some pro mix or sunshine #4 .....she likes to stretch in flower....i grow mine elnatural:lol:

heres my chemdog 4

are those branch colors normal? (red)

well i know i want to stay with soil for sure. im not sure why but i feel like soil is the right thing for a amateur like myself.

those plants look very nice (my opinion)


bud bootlegger
are those branch colors normal? (red)

well i know i want to stay with soil for sure. im not sure why but i feel like soil is the right thing for a amateur like myself.

those plants look very nice (my opinion)
yes, they sure do, don't they....
and i always found soil to be a good option when i was a newbie.. i find its can take a lot more abuse than a hydro grow where your plants are immediately affected by any error one may make in say ph or too many nutrients,


Active Member
yes, they sure do, don't they....
and i always found soil to be a good option when i was a newbie.. i find its can take a lot more abuse than a hydro grow where your plants are immediately affected by any error one may make in say ph or too many nutrients,
EXACTLY.. my enclosure is only 3 ft tall, that door handle might be at around 3 ft ... so i force flower at 1 1/2 feet maybe???


bud bootlegger
EXACTLY.. my enclosure is only 3 ft tall, that door handle might be at around 3 ft ... so i force flower at 1 1/2 feet maybe???
three feet tall... hmm, it is going to atleast double in size from when you put her into flower, so at one and a half foot tall, that would bring you right to three feet tall.. you can always supercrop her if she starts to get a lil too tall for your space though..


Active Member
three feet tall... Hmm, it is going to atleast double in size from when you put her into flower, so at one and a half foot tall, that would bring you right to three feet tall.. You can always supercrop her if she starts to get a lil too tall for your space though..
hell yea!! Cant wait!!!!!


Well-Known Member
been growing in soilless mediums(not dirt) from day 1.... that was about 19 yrs ago...i personally dont like the taste of hydro weed or the compactness of the buds.

A QP of hydro is mabey 1/3 to a 1/2 of a gallon ziplock bag... I l like it when a QP fills the gallon bag

flower that chem girl after about 2-3 weeks of veg (10-12 inches)...make sure you take clones

cary schellie

Active Member
are those branch colors normal? (red)

well i know i want to stay with soil for sure. im not sure why but i feel like soil is the right thing for a amateur like myself.

those plants look very nice (my opinion)
u look pro to me by the pic. some primo lookin plants