Chem-gro hobby forula


Well-Known Member
anyone triend the chem-gro hobby formula durring the flowering period....
i know they sell their 4-20 mix but i think they comes out more of a veg style fertalizer.

this is what i got for a break out of the mixes. VERY IMPORTANT TO NOTE THIS IS IN PPM.... not the normal NPK u would see on a fertalizer as those ratios are not the actual amount of P and K in the mix..... to get the normal npk ratios multiple the P by 2.3 and the K by 1.2

4-20 mix (as reccomended)
1 part 4-20
1 part cal/nit
2/3 par mag sul

N 23%
P 7%
K 28%
cal 24%
mag 7%
sul 10%

hobby (i would add the epsom salt for more mag/sul)
1 part hobby
1/5 part mag sul

N 22%
P 7%
K 40%
cal 11%
mag 7%
sul 10%

I was a little suprised to see the fertalizer they offer as cananbis specific seems more like a general veg style feralizer while what they market as a hobby forula seems more like a flower oriented mix. wondering if anyone has any experience with these mixes.. specifically if anyone has tried the hobby formula durring the flower period and if they can comment on the results..

thanks in advance. creighton
No experience with Chem Gro. For fun calculated the ppm breakdown and NPK ratios.

Hobby formula. 150ppm N as baseline.

Reverse calc of the NPK % ratio. (not PPM ratio)
righht on thanks for that.... im running the hydro system and i dont do any flushing or changin the water or anything like that. so i really got to be on point for whats coming out and whats going in the cirulating solution. i find it easier to keep the nuitreint count using the ppms.
good read... the mixes i make are mostly based off bruce bugbees 2004 paper on recirculting hydroponics.... and it was actually the top citation of the article you posted. i find a combination of bugbees numbers from the paper averaged w around what most people think are optium cannabis nutrients are make a great mix.... it comes out pretty close to the numbers i posted above.... i have a speadsheet breaking down bugbees paper out of micromoles and into ppfd if ur interested lemme know and id send it to anyone.
