Chemdog Busted???????

9 lbs of weed and 97 plants, got probation. Thats's a damn good attorney right there.
Heard this at an event last night from a pretty reliable source, was wondering if anyone has heard anything. Rumor is he IRS/DEA grabbed him in Mass this week and his projects have been confiscated.

Hoping it's not true, anyone?
it's true! chem dog dispensery comming soon! ck out chemdog glass @facebook for the real deal bud!
Ban this cockslap ^^^

Anyway, this whole ordeal is outlined pretty thoroughly in

It is definitely wild how greedy these guys got; like anything else illegal, right or wrong, you're just a ticking time bomb when you are that large scale. I mean these guys must have stacked millions with all the seed/homegrown income they were getting over the years. Until we break free from the shackles of ignorance there's no good reason to go over 2k-3k watts unless you're professional scale and legal.

"Why don't you get a real job, you fucking cocksucker?" :smile:
My nugs are a lot larger than those slim twigs you posted and I run 1k. I have a 1500 but it's too much for my space. Step your game up son. I've seen cfl grows with bigger buds then your diamond plated garbage.
does it make sense to have 4 1ks stacked like that? not to me lol thats a red flag along with the diamond plate reflector LOL i didnt know where to go with this n damn he gone!
That fucking hood would be heavy and hot as fuck! The footprint would be a 4x4 maybe the heat off that would scorch the shit outta plants. You could roast weinies under that thing with the quickness
or a dam good snitch

ya he snitched out GYPSY and got him busted.. chemdog is a snitch .. that took credit for peoples work.. he lied saying he had huge warehouses and huge operations making seeds when he was making seeds in a tiny room .. rich... lol my ass.. chemdawg is a 40 year old loser. living in mommies basement.. growing weed and selling seeds of others work that he crosses fooling people into thinkin he was good at wat he did LOL..

LOSER and we all know his REAL NAME. hes a snitchhh
ya he snitched out GYPSY and got him busted.. chemdog is a snitch .. that took credit for peoples work.. he lied saying he had huge warehouses and huge operations making seeds when he was making seeds in a tiny room .. rich... lol my ass.. chemdawg is a 40 year old loser. living in mommies basement.. growing weed and selling seeds of others work that he crosses fooling people into thinkin he was good at wat he did LOL..

LOSER and we all know his REAL NAME. hes a snitchhh
