You can clearly see the time stamp missing on the part where people are testifying. You can clearly see the jumps in video at key points.
Easily duped with edited video.
No. You posted how they edit it to make it look flat. Duh. I mean come on. Easily duped by shitty YouTube videos. Lol... this coming from the guy who couldn't figure out a fisheye lens, even with several children's guide to photography videos posted a few pages back LMAO!![]()
Another uncredible source. With no facts to back anything up.
"The vast majority of people will say its just jet wash & laugh at anyone who says anything else because the vast majority of people have been programmed by the media & government to disbelieve.
Part of the dumbing down of society process. Truth is if everyone sat down & google searched the phenomenon for an hour or 2 people would see that there is so much proof out there already. Photos, videos, pilots admitting to it etc"
I don't take one side or the other, but I feel like I should point out that a lot of the so called "nutjobs" are following the steps of the scientific method, as much as they can, anyway. Make an observation. Form a question. Form a hypothesis. Conduct an experiment. Analyze the data and draw a conclusion. In this case, it's resource-heavy and expensive to do the latter two. On a forum full of stoners, I wouldn't go so far as to call them "nutjobs" because the data they have access to calls for some filling in. That's the conspiracy. The missing data. Cloud-seeding is a known practice and if I remember correctly, disperses trillions of silver iodide particles into the air for the sole purpose of generating rain. That's a known practice, so would it be too far out of the possibility to consider that our government, party to countless known and unknown scandals, would be above such nut-jobery that involved actual chemicals? I can't trust my government that much, after I've seen what they got caught doing. That's just a drop in the bucket, their fingers are in all sorts of pies.I laugh at the distinct lack of science constantly discussed in the science forum
All of the uneducated non-science nutjobs hang here and profess bullshit like it was their (only) job
I don't agree that they are ignorance based. This government has given way to enough scandal to supply the whole world for centuries. Secrets are kept, that's not a secret. I feel it's healthy to question your governing authority. As far as chem trails or aliens go, I doubt that. It's probably much worse!Government conspiracy theories should have their own section. They are not science based. They are ignorance based.
I sure hope you're right. The government isn't helping, though. Misinformation abounds, and for what agenda, probably no one person knows.People don’t keep secrets.
The scale and depth of these theories makes them statistically impossible.
they misrepresent information. they ignore mathematical proof that disproves their claims. they post videos with no proof, then make wild conclusions they draw from evidence that proves is that following the scientific method?I don't take one side or the other, but I feel like I should point out that a lot of the so called "nutjobs" are following the steps of the scientific method, as much as they can, anyway. Make an observation. Form a question. Form a hypothesis. Conduct an experiment. Analyze the data and draw a conclusion. In this case, it's resource-heavy and expensive to do the latter two. On a forum full of stoners, I wouldn't go so far as to call them "nutjobs" because the data they have access to calls for some filling in. That's the conspiracy. The missing data. Cloud-seeding is a known practice and if I remember correctly, disperses trillions of silver iodide particles into the air for the sole purpose of generating rain. That's a known practice, so would it be too far out of the possibility to consider that our government, party to countless known and unknown scandals, would be above such nut-jobery that involved actual chemicals? I can't trust my government that much, after I've seen what they got caught doing. That's just a drop in the bucket, their fingers are in all sorts of pies.
So, I respect your stance, but if you are going to relate "lack of science" to lack of evidence that something we aren't privy to is going on, I fail to see how that holds water against, say, just reading The Washington Post, and skimming through history books.
i've said before, the government DOES lie to us, but not about aliens, the shape of the planet, chemtrails, or bigfoot.....
they lie and cover up pollution, corruption, government-business connections, ........and you all just ignore that, because you're busy looking for stupid shit that doesn't exist
F-117's were 15 years old before we saw it on CNN.They did manage to keep the B-2 secret for 10 years.
There are black programs going on now.
I'm pretty sure they don't have anything to do with chem trails.
There have been some experiments with spraying chemicals from aircraft to increase cloud cover but they weren't secret.
Here dude imma reset my open mind and ask, why would they be spraying sheet outta planes besides cloud seeding?