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That's funny, because I heard that the REAL double blind conspiracy defeaters have fairly low counts (to throw off ppl) and have some form of "royalty" in their names so they can recognize each other.
The real evil conspiracy is the global economy.
Company's like the gap, nike, reebock, and old navy can move into countrys like Indonesia and pay workers pennies a day to slave 18 hour days, 7 days a week. No benifits, no breaks, no sitting, fired if she gets pregnant.
This is the method that produces most of the clothing in malls. Check your tags, if it says Indonesia your supporting slavery (average wage is 80 cents a day)
This is the blueprint for the global economy. We are all slaves, work to pay rent, to buy shit you don't need so a few people can enjoy luxuries you can't begin to imagine.

Fuck the G8
everything we buy is made like that and it's stupid
i think it's about equalization soon making a pair of tennis shoes will only be worth 80 cents a day -anywhere
our own government did this to us intentionally, what in the world could have been their motive or expectation?

american's freely give up rights daily
ya know i was wondering, someone with a little more time and expertise might be able too use old sat photos to show, a difference between old fashioned contrails and new ones, a window when these changes start occurring, and where they are most prominent?-

if, they are different at all
Chemtrails are terrible today in the midwest. I was going to take video while i was driving... but decided i didn't want to hit a tree :D
Murphy.... I love the way you do a complete reversal at the end of your post. :lol:

if they are different at all.

Bingo... they aren't different.

Look, do SCIENTISTS experiment in the atmosphere ... sure they do. It's called SCIENCE.

Is it some sort of plot? :lol: No, that's called being paranoid.
Is it some sort of plot? :lol: No, that's called being paranoid.
Maybe ::shrug::
The Tuskegee syphilis experiment[1] (also known as the Tuskegee syphilis study or Public Health Service syphilis study) was a clinical study conducted between 1932 and 1972 in Tuskegee, Alabama, by the U.S. Public Health Service. Investigators recruited 399 impoverished African-American sharecroppers with syphilis for research related to the natural progression of the untreated disease, in hopes of justifying treatment programs for blacks.[1]
The government loves you :hug:


You don't know what's going on, so you can't say it's nothing... Until they "come out" and tell us "what's up"... I'll stay "paranoid" :-P
I don't know why people claim this didn't occur before 1991 or some such year. I remember growing up in the '70s wondering how come certain contrails turned into clouds (of course not even knowing the term contrail or how they really formed).
Of course air traffic is exponentially heavier now leading many planes going through the same patch of humid air leading to the cross hatching we see. I have never once heard any chem trail advocate explain exactly the visual difference between chem trails and long lasting contrails, which I proved occur from WWII airplanes where leaving a long contrail was avoided if possible because the enemy could spot you easier.
I don't know why people claim this didn't occur before 1991 or some such year. I remember growing up in the '70s wondering how come certain contrails turned into clouds (of course not even knowing the term contrail or how they really formed).
Of course air traffic is exponentially heavier now leading many planes going through the same patch of humid air leading to the cross hatching we see. I have never once heard any chem trail advocate explain exactly the visual difference between chem trails and long lasting contrails, which I proved occur from WWII airplanes where leaving a long contrail was avoided if possible because the enemy could spot you easier.
Not tying to question your knowledge here... but who says they didn't occur before '91 ? From what i've understood they've been going on a long time... like you said.. the 70's- ish
Not tying to question your knowledge here... but who says they didn't occur before '91 ? From what i've understood they've been going on a long time... like you said.. the 70's- ish
Part of the problem is that different chem trail advocates believe different things. However, the general consensus appears to be that they didn't occur prior to 1990 as referenced here
but many other sites mention it was 1997-8 when people began noticing them

This is rumored to be because this was the year mentioned when it first was 'reported' on Art Bell's show. I cannot find anything to back that up though, it is something I read or heard some time ago.
i just figured there was weather satellite images from as far back as the mid 70's anyway-
are there?

it would be fairly easy to spot intentional patterning from those perspectives
ARE they running experiments sure why not wouldn't you?
doesn't this tie to scalar ray technology/weaponry in some circles?

maybe they are cooling the earth with spacedust, it was pretty cold here last year-
we never had a real summer, maybe they got the ppm's wrong and cooled too much?, it did happen in the middle of a giant out break of global warming!
Well I distinctly remember short contrails from very high flying aircraft in the 70's and 80's, and NO long lasting, horizon to horizon, expanding, checker boards, and random spots of spectral refraction...Also lots of non-linear clouds.

Hell they have only recently been showing up in commercials, as the skies are full of them most days:roll:

Well I distinctly remember short contrails from very high flying aircraft in the 70's and 80's, and NO long lasting, horizon to horizon, expanding, checker boards, and random spots of spectral refraction...Also lots of non-linear clouds.

Hell they have only recently been showing up in commercials, as the skies are full of them most days:roll:


Subliminal messaging son, to make it seem normal. But the same shit is happening all over the world. But hey I'm just a crazy pot smoking conspiracy theorist.

And for the record I was sacked for telling everyone they were going to have to apply for their own jobs, predicting that a company called KPMG would desecrate the local authority and calling the bosses cunts for making sure they were OK.

Last image is a satellite image


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