Cherry Oil Info For med folks

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
I just thought maybe some of you may find this interesting. Not promoting only passing this along if useful.

"You may have heard about our Cherry Oil or you may have used it before, but did you know the full benefits of one of Tetra's Key products? With the Recreational industry trying to focus on Delta 9 THC we are showcasing the true Medical Properties of this Medicine. Tetra Technologies Cherry Oil Consistently contains amounts of CBG, THCV, CBN, CBC as well as the sought after THC. Let Us Explain what these Medical Cannabinoids are capable of, which truly makes Tetra in a class of its own as a Premium Medical Botanical Extraction.

So Much More Than Just THC

CBG: Particularly effective in treating glaucoma as it reduces intra-ocular pressure. Helps by Treating inflammation in inflammatory bowel disease. CBG was shown to block receptors that cause cancer cell growth, is an effective antibacterial agent, particularly against (MRSA) in topical formulations. CBG was found to have a very effective appetite stimulant.

THCV: is an appetite suppressant by dulling the appetite. Helps with diabetes, research has found THCV’s ability to regulate blood sugar levels and reduce insulin resistance. It appears to curb anxiety attacks in PTSD patients without suppressing emotion. Symptoms Such as Tremors, motor control, and brain lesions associated with Alzheimer’s disease appear to be improved. Stimulates bone growth by promoting the growth of new bone cells

CBN: offers the ability to hundreds of millions of patients who suffer insomnia or Chronic Pain or both conditions. CBN acts as an effective sedative and sleep aid for Medical Patients. Chronic pain is one of the most common reasons for insomnia of medical patients. In addition to its pronounced sedative effect, CBN has been found to provide pain relief, growth of bone cells, act as an antibacterial, function as an anti-inflammatory. Can serve as an anti-convulsive, and stimulate appetite (helpful for conditions such as Crohn’s disease and wasting syndromes like AIDS).

CBC: has shown to be a powerful cancer fighter that might one day be a chemo preventive agent. CBC to be the second-most-potent cannabinoid at inhibiting the growth of new cancer cells (CBG was the most potent). Has shown to block pain and inflammation associated with osteoarthritis. CBC was shown to be a powerful inhibitor of acne. While CBC has singular benefits, researchers also think that it seems to work best with other cannabinoids, a term known as the entourage effect. CBC appears to work with both THC and CBD to deliver a trifecta of antidepressant properties to battle Depression without Pharma Drugs"
OTC is the abbreviation for "over the counter", meaning you should be able to buy the product on store shelves.

A separatory funnel allows you to separate 2 insoluble liquids. You can do your own research on polar and non-polar liquids. Basically when you add a polar to a non-polar in a container, one will float on the other depending on their density. An example of this would be adding oil to water, the oil floats. A separatory funnel takes advantage of this by allowing you to drain off the bottom layer easily. Depending on what your goal is at the time you may want to keep the bottom layer, top layer, or both. For your experiment I would suggest you obtain a 1000 mL glass separtory funnel. I also highly recommend you purchase a ringstand for it, you don't absolutely need it but it makes the whole process much easier.

I decided to rewrite what Cvh posted, so that it is hopefully a bit easier to follow. I did not change anything from the original process. However I have no real world experience with this specific extraction.

How To Make Red Hash Oil

* You will be working with chemicals that will ignite if not used in a properly ventilated lab. Do not attempt this without a proper spark-less exhaust system if you are not working in a lab.

*Safety goggles and nitrile gloves are highly reccomended.

*Only use glass or stainless steel utensils when working with strong solvents.

1) Completely dry and grind material to a powder. Soak material in petroleum ether for several hours, but less than 24 hours. Strain, saving the ether portion. Press out the material thoroughly to get as much ether as possible. Filter the ether through a coffee filter. Save the ether, discard the plant material. You could potentially try a second extraction with fresh solvent on the plant material if you want to make sure you got everything. Just like every other extraction method, second runs tend to be less potent and have more "contaminants".

2) Create a 4% sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution by mixing 40 mg (40mg = 0.04g) of pure NaOH pellets into 500 ml of distilled water until dissolved thoroughly. Then add 500 ml of absolute grain alcohol (everclear), yielding ~ 1 liter of the sodium hydroxide solution. NaOH is highly caustic, try to avoid spilling any on yourself or anything around you.

3) Combine the ether from step 1 with NaOH solution from step 2 in the separatory funnel, and gently swirl and "mix" the two solutions together. Every 30 seconds or so you will want to turn the separatory funnel upside down (make sure you hold in the stopper at the top!) and open the vent, this allows the pressure that has built up to vent out. You probably want to do this for a 2-3 minutes to make sure the solution is extracting efficiently.

4) After mixing thoroughly, place your separatory funnel in the ring stand and allow the 2 liquids to separate. Ether is less dense than water/alcohol, so the ether is the top layer. Drain and save the bottom NaOH layer. Add fresh NaOH solution back into the ether in the separatory funnel and repeat steps 3 and 4 two more times (3x total). Combine the 3 NaOH portions together. The ether can be discarded or reclaimed after the 3rd rinse.

5) Create a HCL solution by diluting your HCL either 2:1 or 3:1 with distilled water.

6) Slowly acidify the NaOH solution by adding small amounts of the diluted HCL solution. Use pH test strips to test the pH. Stop acidifying when it reaches pH 3. You may notice things precipitating, or "falling out" of the solution.

7) Filter the solution through a coffee filter. Keep the liquid and toss the coffee filter and any gunk it has in it.

8) Add the liquid back into the separatory funnel and add fresh ether. Like before gently swirl and vent the mixture for 2-3 minutes. This time the goodies have migrated into the ether layer, which is still on top. Drain off the bottom acidified layer and set it aside. Then drain the ether layer and save it. Add the acidified bottom layer back into the separatory funnel, along with fresh ether. Repeat this step for 3 times total. After the 3rd wash, combine the ether portions and discard the acidified layer.

9) Evaporate off pet ether to yield red honey oil!

White gas can be substituted for petroleum ether. White gas is also known as Napatha and can be obtained in many hardware stores. It is also Coleman camping fuel. Please note that there may be contaminants in these products, and you should research how to find the cleanest brands.

HCL in solution is also known as muriatic acid. It can be found at hardware stores or places that sell swimming pool chemicals.
although I made pounds of oil with it. I wouldn't suggest using it. Finding pure Napatha is hard and whats left after ya purge is nasty!

IPA purged in a vac chamber works MINT,,, as good as Butane but not as volatile.
ipa for the win...and a cheap rice cooker in a outdoor screen porch....will service your oil making needs...
key is your preparation and method if you want clear ...clean.... oil
I've used Methyl Hydrate for years... I'm not sure when I started using it, but it's cheap and readily available. I only do small batches, a mason jar at a time... I was using a rice cooker, but I kept forgetting it, and by the time it shut off, the oil was burned into a black crust... Now, I just grind up my shake in the blender, throw it in a mason jar, add methyl hydrate to about 2 inches from the top, cap it, shake it for a minute, then take the cap off, cover it with a coffee filter, put an elastic around the rim to hold the filter, and turn it upside down in a pyrex square "brownie pan" Once the liquid has drained out, I put the dish on the balcony and let it evaporate, although sometimes I'll use a fan to speed it up... Once it's done, I wash it out with some cold water, hit it with a hairdryer, and scrape it out, or, just melt a stick of butter in the pan, and make brownies!
I had a pail of herb given to me when we were kids to try and wash whats left. It was in Methyl hydrate
The only issue we had at the time was the question of any residue once in concentrate,.
after reading that it wasn't as pure as others ..we wondered what was left behind as a residue..
remember lol I made my first medical batches exactly like rick Simpson did lol I already knew how to make oil but....wanted it to be like that for some I found Naphtha At Goudies solvents?.

as kids it was the residue that always bugged us ..then someone pointed out that you probably take in more harsh chems just from walking into a MacDonald's after its been a bit wont hurt you?:-|
Question, why can't a solvent get all the goodies out of the plant on the first wash? While a first wash is always the best oil, there is often still quite a bit left for a second wash. Is there a limit, like humidity, where it just won't hold any more, or is it just a time factor, if you leave the first wash long enough, it will get everything, but at the expense of quality.