Chest Pains From Marijuana


Well-Known Member
It could be tachycardia from ripping a good sativa strain too hard out of the bong...


It could be a myofascial trigger point tightening on your serratus anterior caused by you coughing after smoking, or by the lower amount of oxygen being absorbed into your blood stream (and thus to the trigger point) because of the smoke. Assuming your not vaporizing.

Eventually everyone will learn that you're doctors are not the key to your health, and sadly they dont know jack shit about our good friend mary jane.


Well-Known Member
i had pretty much the same thing as a allergic reaction to some meds. Its called paracarditis its the inflamation of the emniotic sac (if i spelt that write) around your heart. thus fealing a pressure or squeezeing feeling. when you smoking weed your heart pumps faster thus creating more pressure. i stopped smoking weed for like a month or 2 because of this.
thats sounds like an educated statement! He/she might be onto something...?


Well-Known Member
thats sounds like an educated statement! He/she might be onto something...?
maybe. its just my guess, it could be somthing else, until you go to a doctors. o and i probably shoulda asked this earlier, does this pain come when you do any physical activities that involve cardio such as running.


Active Member
I think more research medically have to into all of these nutrients that are going into high grade bud. I understand that these same nutrients are used for things we eat like tomatos and peppers, but what about smoking it? Will the fumes "smoke" be toxic even though the fruit can be eaten? Since there is way more THC, does that mean there is more carsonagins, bad ingrediants? And what of the flower blooming nutrients. I have always heard most blooming flowers were poisonous anyways so the nutrient developer would may not have been concerned with human consumption this. I see alot of botany on this website, but not a whole lot of medical research. I just don't want to see millions of people with brain tumors because of the bunker weed we all been smokin. Wish it was ok to have the free, we freed the black man and look out how great that turned out. Ok maybe not the best analogy. Plus it would be a hell of a set back if we found out WEED is really was bad for us. Especially in the medical aspect. Put short we must be a sort of devils advocate of sorts in order to make sure that we know all of the cons so we don't accidently set ourselfs back. My digestion relies on marijuana. I do not have aids or hiv, if i don't smoke i don't poop for 2-3 days. This in turn makes me a little stomach sick and i eat much less and sometime "verp". Anyways weed lets me take two loafs a day and go to sleep on time so i can make it to work on time. Also I am the answer guy / human memory at my office so i have no memory problems here. Funny thing is that ridilan didn;t work for me when i was a kid, but after i started smokin after high school my grades went from HS 2.5 to college 3.4 GPA . Also growing up I was very unccautious, and a bit scrappy. Herb chills me out, it has saved me several assault charges, i am part italian. Plus when i don't smoke i don't shut up....bla bla bla.....its awful. My wife will be like..You out of smoke arn't you? and she doesn't smoke, nor like the smell, taste, effect....nada. My point is MJ is a medicine for me but i affraid that the new strains are TOO good for decriminalization.


Well-Known Member
I'm no doc. but I also get these chest pains when I drink/eat a lot of sugar, never really thought it was the bud tho....