

Well-Known Member
This dude is CRAZY



Active Member
Sick! I didn't like how in every demonstration he gave the camera didn't capture the full scene, just kinda got close up, leaving the possibility of faking it. Good vid though!


Well-Known Member
yah that ran through my head to but not taking it for full fact just what if? is pretty nuts you know


Well-Known Member
I only watched 1 minute and 30 seconds and my mind is already blown!
This asian guy is fucking crazzzy!

Definitely gonna watch the whole video with my GF right now.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't be too worried that this will be lost, we are in the midst of an archaic revival at the moment, with ancient nearly extinct practices now being taken up by kitchen alchemists.


Active Member
My cousin who is a resident of California has been doing kungfu since he was 6 years old. He is now 20 but he said that his Kung Fu master had a wife who studied chi and could channel and do some of the things that that guy could


Well-Known Member
Insane!!! I bet he could grow some beast weed :P :P :P bahahha

but really this is insane i have to watch this video again becuase i think its badass


Well-Known Member
tis exactly why i posted in the toke and talk i was ripped when i watched it lol